The prefix ‘ato’ is a common word element used in the English language. It is derived from the Greek word ‘atomos’, which means ‘indivisible’.

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The prefix is used to form a variety of words, with meanings ranging from ‘atomization’ (‘the process of breaking something down into its component parts’) to ‘atone’ (‘to make amends for something’). Examples of words with the prefix ‘ato’ include ‘atopic’ (‘relating to a particular allergy’), ‘atomists’ (‘those who believe in the theory of atoms’), and ‘atomizing’ (‘breaking something down into small particles’).
This article provides a comprehensive list of words with the prefix ‘ato’. The words are arranged by common usage, with a total of 81 words included. As such, this list serves as a useful resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge of words with the ‘ato’ prefix.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.