Are you searching for words with the suffix -ulent? This article provides a comprehensive list of words with the suffix -ulent. Examples of words with this suffix include ‘fibrinopurulent’, ‘unvirulent’, ‘stridulent’, ‘corpulent’, and ‘nonfraudulent’. ‘Fibrinopurulent’ means containing or consisting of fibrin and pus. ‘Unvirulent’ means not virulent. ‘Stridulent’ means making a shrill sound. ‘Corpulent’ means having a large, bulky body. ‘Nonfraudulent’ means not fraudulent.
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This list of words with the suffix -ulent is arranged by common usage. There are a total of 60 words in the list. This article provides an easy way to find words with the suffix -ulent. It is a great resource for anyone looking for words with this suffix.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.