The suffix ‘morphous’ is used to describe something that has a certain shape or form. This article provides a list of words that end with the suffix ‘morphous’. The list includes 65 words, and the words are arranged in order of common usage.
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Examples of words with the suffix ‘morphous’ include ‘hysteromorphous’, which means shaped like a uterus, ‘adelomorphous’, which means shaped like a tube, ‘anamorphous’, which means without a definite shape, ‘alectoromorphous’, which means shaped like a rooster, and ‘anthropomorphous’, which means having a human form or shape.
This list of words with the suffix ‘morphous’ is a useful resource for anyone looking for a comprehensive list of words that contain this suffix. It is also helpful for anyone who is studying morphology, which is the study of the form and structure of words. Whether you are a student, a teacher, or a linguist, this list can be a helpful reference.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.