Are you looking for a comprehensive list of words that contain the suffix ‘kin’? Look no further! This article provides a list of 237 words with the suffix ‘kin’. The words are arranged in order of common usage. For example, ‘goatskin’ is a type of leather made from the skin of a goat, ‘malkin’ is an old word for a cat, ‘pomperkin’ is a Dutch word for a kind of cabbage, and ‘oxskin’ is a type of leather made from the hide of an ox. ‘Fatherkin’ is an old word for a relative or ancestor.
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This list is a great resource for anyone who is interested in words and their meanings. It is also useful for writers and language enthusiasts. Whether you are looking for a specific word or just browsing for ideas, this list is sure to help you find the perfect word for your project.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.