A suffix is a word ending that can change the meaning of a word. The suffix archy is used to describe a form of government or rule. For example, ‘aristarchy’ is a form of government by the best citizens, while ‘diarchy’ is a form of government by two rulers. ‘Patriarchy’ is a form of government by the father or elder males, and ‘gynandrarchy’ is a form of government by both men and women.
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This article page provides a comprehensive list of words that have the suffix archy. The words are arranged by common usage and there are a total of 79 words in the list. The list includes words such as ‘anarchy’, ‘autarchy’, ‘hierarchy’, ‘kakistocracy’, and ‘monarchy’. This page is a great resource for anyone looking for a comprehensive list of words with the suffix archy.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.