Do you know what a wulk is? Or a wuzu? What about a wusp? If you don’t, you’re in luck!
This article will provide a comprehensive list of words with the prefix ‘wu’. Examples of such words include ‘wulk’, which is a type of sea creature, ‘wuzu’, which is a type of fabric, ‘wusp’, which is a type of bird, and ‘wundtian’, which is a type of psychology. Additionally, ‘wurzels’ are a type of vegetable.
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This list of words with the prefix ‘wu’ contains 65 words in total, and they are arranged by common usage.
If you are looking for a comprehensive list of words with the prefix ‘wu’, this article is the perfect resource for you! It will provide you with a wide range of words, from ‘wulk’ to ‘wurzels’, and everything in between. With this list, you will be able to expand your vocabulary and become more informed about words with the prefix ‘wu’.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.