This article provides an extensive list of words with the prefix ‘ren’. The words are arranged by common usage and there are a total of 286 words in the list.
Examples of words with the prefix ‘ren’ include ‘renin’, which is a hormone that regulates blood pressure, ‘rencounter’, which is an unexpected meeting or conflict, ‘rents’, which are payments made for the use of a property, and ‘renovators’, which are people who restore buildings.
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The prefix ‘ren’ is derived from Latin and is used to form words that refer to the repetition of an action or the renewal of something. It is commonly used in English, French, and Spanish. In English, the prefix is often used to form nouns, verbs, and adjectives. It is also used in scientific terms, such as ‘renipericardial’, which is the space between the heart and the pericardium.
This article provides a comprehensive list of words with the prefix ‘ren’. It is an informative resource for anyone looking to expand their vocabulary or learn more about the prefix.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.