Cent is a Latin prefix meaning ‘hundred’ and is used in many English words. The prefix cent is used to form words that refer to a hundred of something, such as ‘centipede’ which is an insect with a hundred legs.
It is also used to form words that relate to a hundredth of something, such as ‘centimeter’ which is a unit of length equal to one hundredth of a meter. In addition, cent is used to form words relating to the number one hundred, such as ‘centenary’ which is an event or celebration that happens once every hundred years.
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This article page provides a comprehensive list of words with the prefix cent. Examples of words with the prefix cent include ‘centrifuging’ which is the process of spinning a substance at high speed to separate its components, ‘centrolecithal’ which is an egg cell with a yolk in the center, ‘centrosome’ which is a small organelle that helps organize the microtubules of a cell, and ‘centones’ which are poems composed of lines from other poems. There are a total of 286 words in the list, which are arranged by common usage.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.