This page provides a comprehensive list of words containing the suffix -lith. The suffix -lith is derived from the Greek word for ‘stone’. It is commonly used in geology to describe a type of rock formation.
Examples of words with the suffix -lith include ‘laccolith’, ‘cyatholith’, ‘inolith’, ‘coprolith’, and ‘hepatolith’. A laccolith is a type of intrusive igneous rock formation, while a cyatholith is a type of sedimentary rock formed from the accumulation of small particles. An inolith is a type of sedimentary rock formed from the accumulation of organic material, and a coprolith is a type of fossilized feces. Lastly, a hepatolith is a type of calcified gallstone.
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The list of words with the suffix -lith provided on this page is arranged by common usage. There are a total of 111 words in the list. Each word is followed by its definition and pronunciation. This page is a great resource for anyone looking for words with the suffix -lith.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.