Are you looking for a list of words with the suffix ‘cious’? This article page provides a comprehensive list of words with the suffix ‘cious’. The list includes 216 words, which are arranged by common usage. As examples, ‘nonlubricious’ means not slippery, ‘contumacious’ means rebellious, ‘undelicious’ means not tasty, ‘pervicacious’ means stubborn, and ‘mendacious’ means untruthful.
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The suffix ‘cious’ is derived from the Latin word ‘ciosus’, meaning full of. This suffix is commonly used to form adjectives from nouns. It is used to describe a quality or attribute of a person, place, or thing. It is also used to describe the degree of a quality or attribute. For example, ‘audacious’ means bold, and ‘voracious’ means very hungry.
Whether you are a student, teacher, or just curious, this article page provides a comprehensive list of words with the suffix ‘cious’.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.