Explore a diverse range of words with the prefix ‘zi’! This article presents a comprehensive list of words with the prefix ‘zi’. The list contains 246 words, arranged in order of common usage.
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Examples of words with the prefix ‘zi’ include ‘zizit’, a Jewish ritual garment, ‘zingare’, a type of Italian gypsy music, ‘zippiest’, meaning extremely fast, ‘zincographical’, pertaining to the making of zinc plates, and ‘zincode’, a type of code used to store information. Each word in the list is presented without its definition, allowing you to explore the words and their meanings in your own time.
This list is a great resource for anyone looking to expand their vocabulary, or for anyone wanting to explore the diverse range of words with the prefix ‘zi’. Whether you’re a student, a writer, or just curious, this list is sure to help you discover new words and meanings.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.