Explore the fascinating world of words with the prefix ‘retro’! The prefix ‘retro’ is derived from the Latin word ‘retro’ meaning ‘backwards’ or ‘backward movement’. This prefix is often used to describe a backward movement, or a return to a previous state or condition.
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Examples of words with the prefix ‘retro’ include ‘retrothyroid’ (relating to the back of the thyroid gland), ‘retrocardiac’ (relating to the back of the heart), ‘retrodeviation’ (a backward displacement or movement), ‘retrofiring’ (the firing of a rocket engine in reverse) and ‘retrorockets’ (rockets used to slow down a spacecraft).
This article page provides a comprehensive list of words with the prefix ‘retro’. The list is arranged by common usage and contains a total of 172 words. It is a great resource for anyone interested in exploring the fascinating world of words with the prefix ‘retro’.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.