Are you looking for words that contain the prefix phon? This article page provides a comprehensive list of words with the prefix phon.
Words are arranged by common usage. Examples of words with the prefix phon include ‘phonophore’, ‘phonographs’, ‘phonogram’, ‘phonier’, and ‘phonestheme’. ‘Phonophore’ is a device for reproducing sound, ‘phonographs’ are devices for recording and reproducing sound, ‘phonogram’ is a symbol representing a sound, ‘phonier’ is an informal term meaning ‘phony’, and ‘phonestheme’ is a word or phrase used to represent a sound.
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This list of words with the prefix phon is an invaluable resource for anyone looking for words that contain this prefix. It can be used for reference in writing, for research, or for learning new words. With a total of 142 words, this list is sure to provide the words you need.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.