This article contains a comprehensive list of words containing the prefix “mill”. From millennial to millilambert, this list contains 227 words that all start with the prefix “mill”.
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Each word is arranged by common usage, so you can easily find the word you are looking for. Examples of words in the list include ‘millennial’, ‘millesimal’, ‘millennialistic’, ‘millimicron’, and ‘millilambert’.
The prefix “mill” is derived from the Latin root “mille”, which means “thousand”. This prefix is often used to describe a thousandth of a unit, such as a millimeter or a milliliter. It is also used to describe a unit of time, such as a millennium or a millisecond. So, whether you are looking for a word to describe a thousandth of a unit or a unit of time, this list of words with the prefix “mill” is sure to have what you need.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.