The prefix ‘kilo’ is a metric unit of measurement used to denote a factor of 1000. This article provides a comprehensive list of words that contain the prefix ‘kilo’. Examples of words with the prefix ‘kilo’ include ‘kilovar’, which is a unit of electrical power, ‘kilohertz’, which is a unit of frequency, and ‘kilometer’, which is a unit of length. ‘Kilobars’ is a unit of pressure. All of these words are related to the metric system of measurement and can be found in this list.
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The list is arranged by common usage and contains a total of 55 words. Each word is followed by the prefix ‘kilo’, making it easy to identify words with the prefix. This article is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about words with the prefix ‘kilo’.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.