Hexa is a Greek prefix that means six. It is used in a variety of words to indicate six of something. This list of words with the prefix hexa contains 189 words that all start with hexa. The words range from common terms such as ‘hexagon’ to more obscure terms such as ‘hexagrammidae’.
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Examples of words with the prefix hexa include ‘hexagon’, ‘hexastigm’, ‘hexametrize’, ‘hexahedron’, and ‘hexahydrothymol’. All of these words indicate the presence of six of something, whether it be sides, points, or molecules.
This list of words with the prefix hexa is arranged alphabetically by common usage. This makes it easy to find the word you are looking for quickly. Whether you are studying for a test or looking for the perfect word to use in your writing, this list is a great resource.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.