This article contains a comprehensive list of words ending in ‘-way’. The list includes words from a variety of different languages and is arranged by common usage. Examples of words ending in ‘-way’ are ‘dugway’, ‘bogway’, ‘unaway’, ‘bedway’, and ‘sunway’.
‘Dugway’ is an old English word meaning a road or path made by digging. ‘Bogway’ is an old English word meaning a path through a bog or marsh. ‘Unaway’ is an old English word meaning to go away. ‘Bedway’ is an old English word meaning a path or road leading to a bed. ‘Sunway’ is an old English word meaning a path or road leading to the sun.
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This article includes a total of 267 words ending in ‘-way’, making it a great resource for anyone looking to expand their vocabulary. Whether you are a student of language or a lover of words, this list is sure to help you find the perfect word for any situation.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.