Are you looking for a comprehensive list of words ending in ‘-rum’? This article page provides a comprehensive list of 217 words ending in ‘-rum’. The words are arranged by common usage. Examples of words ending in ‘-rum’ include ‘turrum’, ‘thrum’, ‘agarum’, and ‘sarum’. ‘Turrum’ is an edible fish found in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. ‘Thrum’ is a short piece of yarn used to make a loop in a piece of fabric. ‘Agarum’ is a type of seaweed used in cooking. ‘Sarum’ is a type of liturgical rite used by the Church of England.
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The list of words ending in ‘-rum’ provided here is comprehensive and covers a variety of topics. Whether you are looking for a word related to food, religion, or fabric, you are sure to find it here. Each word is accompanied by its definition and usage. This article page is a great resource for anyone looking for a comprehensive list of words ending in ‘-rum’.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.