List Of Adjectives With 19 Letters

Language is a powerful tool that allows us to express ourselves and communicate with others. Adjectives are an essential component of our language that helps us add depth, meaning, and color to our descriptions.

When it comes to adjectives, there are endless possibilities, but those with 19 letters offer a unique challenge and opportunity. They can help us express complex emotions, describe intricate details, and add flair to our writing.

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Whether you’re a writer, a poet, or someone who enjoys the beauty of language, read on to discover some of the most intriguing and thought-provoking adjectives with 19 letters.


Word Meanings

Adrenocorticotropic: Relating to or affecting the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which stimulates the adrenal glands to produce cortisol and other hormones.

Aerobacteriological: Pertaining to the study of airborne bacteria and their effects or characteristics.

Annihilationistical: Relating to the belief in or advocacy of total destruction or obliteration, often in a philosophical or theoretical context.

Anticommercialistic: Opposed to or against a focus on commercial or monetary interests, often emphasizing other values or principles.

Antiexpressionistic: Opposing or critical of expressionism, an artistic movement emphasizing subjective emotion and individual perspective.

Antinationalization: The stance against the process of converting private entities or industries into national or government ownership and control.

Auriculoventricular: Pertaining to both the atria of the heart (auricles) and the ventricles, particularly in reference to their anatomical or functional relationship.

Dendrochronological: Relating to the scientific method of dating and studying tree rings (dendrochronology) to analyze past events, climate changes, or environmental conditions.

Electrophotographic: Involving or related to the process of creating images using electrically charged particles, as in modern photocopying and laser printing.

Gastroenterological: Concerning the study and medical treatment of disorders and conditions affecting the stomach and intestines.

Hydrometeorological: Relating to the study of atmospheric and weather phenomena that involve interactions with water, such as precipitation and cloud formation.

Hyperarchaeological: Going beyond or exceeding traditional archaeological methods or theories, often implying an innovative or exploratory approach.

Hyperbrachycephalic: Describing an extreme form of brachycephaly, a skull shape characterized by short width and length, often used in anthropological or anatomical contexts.

Hyperconstitutional: Going beyond or exceeding the norms and principles established in a constitution, often with reference to legal or political matters.

Interdenominational: Involving or relating to interactions, activities, or discussions that transcend or include multiple religious denominations.

Macrometeorological: Pertaining to large-scale weather patterns, phenomena, or studies that consider the broader atmospheric conditions.

Magnetohydrodynamic: Concerning the dynamics of electrically conducting fluids (such as plasmas or liquid metals) in the presence of magnetic fields.

Microclimatological: Relating to the study of small-scale climate variations within specific environments or localized areas.

Nonautobiographical: Not characterized by or related to an autobiography, which is a self-written account of one’s life.

Noninterpretational: Lacking in interpretative aspects or not involving the act of interpreting meaning or significance.

Nonmultiplicational: Not related to or involving multiplication, which is the mathematical operation of repeated addition.

Nonpsychoanalytical: Not pertaining to or based on psychoanalysis, a psychological theory and therapy method developed by Sigmund Freud.

Nonrepresentational: Not depicting or conveying recognizable objects or forms, often used in reference to abstract art.

Nonsensationalistic: Not characterized by sensationalism, which is the use of exaggerated or shocking details to provoke intense reactions or interest.

Nontraditionalistic: Not adhering to or following traditional practices, norms, or beliefs.

Overindividualistic: Excessively focused on individualism or the interests of oneself, often to the detriment of collective or communal values.

Palaeoentomological: Concerning the study of ancient insects and their fossilized remains.

Paleoclimatological: Relating to the study of past climates and environmental conditions using geological and biological evidence.

Pathologicoanatomic: Pertaining to the combination of pathological (disease-related) and anatomical (structural) aspects, often used in medical contexts.

Penecontemporaneous: Existing or occurring very close in time, often implying a simultaneous or nearly simultaneous occurrence.

Phytoclimatological: Involving the study of how plants interact with and respond to climate conditions within specific ecosystems.

Pseudoanachronistic: Having the appearance or characteristics of being out of its proper chronological or historical time, often in a deceptive or artificial manner.

Pseudoassociational: Simulating or imitating associations or connections, often with the intention of misleading or mimicking genuine relationships.

Pseudocartilaginous: Resembling cartilage in appearance or structure, but not truly composed of cartilage tissue.

Pseudoerysipelatous: Mimicking or resembling erysipelas, a bacterial skin infection characterized by redness and inflammation.

Pseudoinspirational: Imitating or seeming to provide inspiration or motivation, often in a shallow or insincere manner.

Pseudointernational: Simulating or appearing to have international scope, influence, or relevance.

Pseudophilanthropic: Falsely or superficially charitable or concerned for the well-being of others.

Pseudophilosophical: Imitating or resembling philosophical thought, often with superficial or poorly reasoned content.

Pseudopsychological: Having the appearance or traits of psychological analysis, but lacking in genuine psychological insight or understanding.

Psychopharmacologic: Relating to the study or effects of drugs that affect mental processes and behavior.

Reticuloendothelial: Pertaining to the network of cells and tissues involved in the immune response and filtering processes in the body.

Saccharofarinaceous: Resembling or containing sugar or starch, often in reference to plant tissues or substances.

Semianthropological: Partially or somewhat related to the study of humans and their cultures from an anthropological perspective.

Semiexpressionistic: Exhibiting characteristics of expressionism to a certain extent, often with a less intense or complete approach.

Semisentimentalized: Partially imbued with sentimental or emotional qualities, often in a somewhat exaggerated manner.

Spectroheliographic: Concerning the study or recording of the sun’s surface features and activities using specific wavelengths of light.

Sternocleidomastoid: Referring to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which is a major neck muscle responsible for various head and neck movements.

Subdolichocephalous: Describing a less pronounced or moderate form of dolichocephaly, which is a long-headed skull shape.

Superconstitutional: Going beyond or exceeding what is outlined or established by a constitution, often implying additional or exceptional measures.

Transcendentalistic: Pertaining to transcendentalism, a philosophical and spiritual movement emphasizing the inherent goodness of people and nature, as well as the importance of intuition and self-reliance.

Unmisunderstandable: Clear and straightforward, lacking ambiguity or confusion in meaning.

Untransubstantiated: Not transformed or changed into a different substance, often used in theological contexts to discuss the concept of transubstantiation in the Eucharist.

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