Linking words, also known as transition words or connectors, are essential for creating coherence and cohesion in your writing. They help to establish a smooth flow of ideas and provide a clear structure, making your text more readable and engaging.

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In this resource, we list 100 useful linking words, along with examples of how to use them effectively in your writing. Whether you’re working on an essay, a blog post, or a business report, these linking words will help you to communicate your ideas clearly and create a well-organized piece of writing.
Additionally – “We need to hire more employees, and additionally, we should consider offering more benefits to retain our current ones.”
Afterward – “We had breakfast at the hotel, afterward, we visited the museum.”
Alongside – “in addition to, or in conjunction with”
Alternatively – “indicating a choice between two or more possibilities”
Although – “Although it was raining heavily, they still decided to go for a walk.”
Altogether – “Altogether, we had a great time at the concert.”
As a result – “The store closed early due to the snowstorm, and as a result, there was a decrease in sales that day.”
As a whole – “The company’s employees work together as a team and support each other, as a whole, they achieve great results.”
Assuming that – “Assuming that the weather is good, we can go for a picnic tomorrow.”
Briefly – “Briefly, let me explain the process.”
By and large – “By and large, the project was successful due to the hard work of the team.”
By comparison – “The new model is faster and more efficient, by comparison, the old model is slower and less efficient.”
Comparatively – “in a way that involves comparison or relating to something else”
Consequently – “The restaurant had a bad review in the newspaper, and consequently, their business decreased significantly.”
Contrarily – “Many people enjoy hot weather, contrarily, some people prefer colder temperatures.”
Conversely – “While some people prefer to work in a fast-paced environment, conversely, others thrive in a more relaxed setting.”
Correspondingly – “The company has invested more in research and development, correspondingly, their innovation has increased.”
Despite – “Despite the challenges they faced, the team was able to deliver the project on time.”
Despite this – “despite the fact that this is true”
Due to – “Due to the pandemic, many businesses have suffered losses.”
Earlier – “before the present time or before a specified time”
Equally – “All employees are expected to follow the company’s code of conduct, equally, there are consequences for those who do not.”
Equally important – “of equal importance or significance”
Equivalently – “in a way that is equivalent or equal to something else”
Ergo – “therefore, as a result”
Essentially – “Essentially, the problem is that we are not communicating effectively.”
Even so – “The weather was bad, even so, we went out for a walk.”
Even though – “Even though it was late, we still went to the party.”
Finally – “We have discussed all the aspects of the project, finally, let’s decide on the budget.”
First and foremost – “First and foremost, we need to ensure the safety of our employees.”
For example – “Many countries have national holidays, for example, Independence Day, Christmas, or New Year’s Day.”
For instance – “There are many ways to exercise, for instance, running, swimming, or cycling.”
For this reason – “The company’s sales have increased, for this reason, they have expanded their operations.”
Furthermore – “The research shows that regular exercise can help reduce stress levels, and furthermore, it can improve overall mental health.”
Hence – “The equipment malfunctioned, hence, we need to order a replacement.”
However – “The plan looks great; however, we need to take into account the budget limitations before we implement it.”
In a nutshell – “In a nutshell, the report suggests that we need to increase our marketing efforts.”
In addition – “The hotel offers a complimentary breakfast, and in addition, guests have access to the pool and fitness center.”
In comparison – “In comparison to last year’s profits, the company has made significant progress.”
In conclusion – “In conclusion, we need to work on improving our customer service to retain our current customers and attract new ones.”
In consequence – “In consequence of the bad weather, the game was cancelled.”
In contrast – “The company’s profits have increased this year; in contrast, they experienced a loss last year.”
In effect – “The new policy has come into effect, in effect, it will change how things work.”
In general – “In general, people prefer to have a stable job with a good salary and benefits.”
In other words – “The company’s profits have increased by 20%, in other words, they are doing better than last year.”
In particular – “In particular, the software is designed to enhance the user experience.”
In short – “In short, we need to work harder to achieve our goals.”
In spite of – “In spite of the challenges, the team was able to complete the project on time.”
In summary – “In summary, the company’s financial performance has improved over the last year.”
In the first place – “In the first place, we need to establish clear objectives for the project.”
In the meantime – “during the intervening period of time, meanwhile”
In turn – “as a result or consequence of something else”
Including – “The price of the meal includes the main course, dessert, and a beverage.”
Invariably – “always, without exception”
Last but not least – “We have talked about the marketing and sales strategy, last but not least, let’s discuss the distribution channels.”
Likewise – “Just as we have strict rules for our employees, likewise, we expect our vendors to adhere to our ethical standards.”
Meanwhile – “The team is working on the project; meanwhile, the manager is attending a meeting.”
Moreover – “The car has great fuel efficiency, and moreover, it has a spacious interior and advanced safety features.”
Namely – “There are four seasons in a year, namely, spring, summer, fall, and winter.”
Nevertheless – “The team encountered many difficulties during the project, nevertheless, they were able to complete it on time and within budget.”
Next – “Next, we need to review the feedback from our customers and make necessary changes.”
Nonetheless – “The weather is very cold, nonetheless, we decided to go for a walk in the park.”
Notably – “Notably, the company’s CEO has won several awards for her leadership skills.”
On balance – “On balance, the advantages of the new technology outweigh the disadvantages.”
On condition that – “You can have the job on condition that you have a degree in the relevant field.”
On the contrary – “The company’s profits have increased, on the contrary, their expenses have decreased.”
On the other hand – “Some people prefer to live in the city, while on the other hand, others prefer to live in the countryside.”
On top of that – “in addition to something else”
Or else – “You have to study for the exam, or else you might fail.”
Otherwise – “You need to arrive on time; otherwise, we will start without you.”
Overall – “Overall, the restaurant had great food, but the service was slow.”
Presently – “at the present time, currently”
Provided that – “You can borrow my car provided that you return it by tomorrow.”
Put differently – “The movie was not successful at the box office, put differently, it did not make a lot of money.”
Regardless – “without taking into account or being influenced by something else”
Secondly – “Firstly, we need to develop the product; secondly, we need to launch it in the market.”
Significantly – “in a way that is important or meaningful”
Similarly – “Studying for long hours can be counterproductive, and similarly, working without breaks can decrease productivity.”
Specifically – “The company’s policies regarding equal pay for all employees are specifically outlined in the employee handbook.”
Specifically speaking – “in a way that is precise or exact, with emphasis on specific details”
Still – “The company’s profits have increased, still, they need to work on reducing their expenses.”
Subsequently – “The company experienced a decline in sales, subsequently, they had to cut costs.”
Such as – “Many fruits are high in vitamin C, such as oranges, lemons, and kiwis.”
That is – “The deadline is next week, that is, we have to finish the project by Friday.”
Then – “We need to hire more employees, then, we need to train them adequately.”
Therefore – “The company’s profits have increased, therefore, they have decided to invest in new projects.”
Though – “The company has faced several challenges this year, though, they have been able to overcome them.”
Thus – “The company implemented a new marketing strategy, thus, their sales increased by 20%.”
To begin with – “To begin with, let’s review the previous month’s sales report.”
To conclude – “To conclude, the project was completed on time and within budget.”
To sum up – “To sum up, we need to focus on our strengths to succeed.”
To summarize – “To summarize, we need to focus on cost-cutting and increasing revenue to improve our profits.”
Unless – “Unless you finish your homework, you cannot watch TV.”
Unlike – “different from, dissimilar to”
Whereas – “The company’s sales are increasing in Europe, whereas, they are decreasing in Asia.”
While – “While some people enjoy working in a team, others prefer to work independently.”
Yet – “The company has not met their sales target yet, they are still working on it.”
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