This list represents over 1000 commonly asked ways to spell certain words according to Google’s search data. Every day people ask how to spell words such as “restaurant”, “quarantine” and the infamous “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”!
This comprehensive list is designed to help you improve your spelling skills and expand your vocabulary. Whether you are a student, a professional, or just someone who wants to improve your language skills, this list is an invaluable resource.

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With over 1000 words and their meanings, we cover a wide range of common spelling mistakes and will help you to improve your writing and communication skills.
How do you spell Through?
Through is spelled with a “t-h-r-o-u-g-h.” It is a preposition that means “from one side of something to the other side.” It can also mean “from the beginning to the end of something,” or “by means of something.”
How do you spell Restaurant?
Restaurant is spelled with an “r-e-s-t-a-u-r-a-n-t.” It is a place where people go to eat food that is prepared and served by staff. Restaurants can range from small, informal eateries to large, formal establishments. Some restaurants specialize in a particular type of cuisine, such as Italian, Chinese, or Mexican, while others offer a more diverse menu.
How do you spell Beautiful?
Beautiful is spelled with a “b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.” It means very attractive or appealing in a way that pleases the senses.
How do you spell Quarantine?
Quarantine is spelled with a “q-u-a-r-a-n-t-i-n-e.” It refers to the isolation of a person or group of people who have been exposed to a contagious disease, in order to prevent the spread of the disease.
How do you spell Definitely?
Definitely is spelled with a “d-e-f-i-n-i-t-e-l-y.” It means without a doubt, certainly, or definitely. It is often used to emphasize a statement or to express certainty.
How do you spell Receipt?
Receipt is spelled with an “r-e-c-e-i-p-t.” It is a written or printed document that serves as proof of payment or as evidence of a transaction.
How do you spell Niece?
Niece is spelled with a “n-i-e-c-e.” It is the daughter of someone’s brother or sister, or the daughter of the brother or sister of one’s spouse.
How do you spell Tomorrow?
Tomorrow is spelled with a “t-o-m-o-r-r-o-w.” It means on or in the course of the day following today.
How do you spell Because?
Because is spelled with a “b-e-c-a-u-s-e.” It is a conjunction that is used to introduce a reason or explanation for something.
How do you spell Chihuahua?
Chihuahua is spelled with a “c-h-i-h-u-a-h-u-a.” It is a small breed of dog that originated in Mexico.
How do you spell Christmas?
Christmas is spelled with a “c-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s.” It is a holiday that is celebrated on December 25th to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
How do you spell Clothes?
Clothes is spelled with a “c-l-o-t-h-e-s.” It refers to articles of clothing that are worn on the body.
How do you spell Bougie?
Bougie is spelled with a “b-o-u-g-i-e.” It is a slang term that refers to someone or something that is considered pretentious or trying too hard to be sophisticated.
How do you spell Business?
Business is spelled with a “b-u-s-i-n-e-s-s.” It refers to a person’s work or profession, especially one that involves commercial, industrial, or professional activities.
How do you spell Maintenance?
Maintenance is spelled with a “m-a-i-n-t-e-n-a-n-c-e.” It refers to the act of maintaining or preserving something in a good or proper condition.
How do you spell Wednesday?
Wednesday is spelled with a “w-e-d-n-e-s-d-a-y.” It is the fourth day of the week, following Tuesday and preceding Thursday.
How do you spell Diarrhea?
Diarrhea is spelled with a “d-i-a-r-r-h-e-a.” It is a condition in which a person has frequent and watery bowel movements. It is often caused by an infection or other digestive problem.
How do you spell Schedule?
Schedule is spelled with a “s-c-h-e-d-u-l-e.” It refers to a plan or arrangement for doing something at a particular time.
How do you spell Congratulations?
Congratulations is spelled with a “c-o-n-g-r-a-t-u-l-a-t-i-o-n-s.” It is an expression of praise or admiration that is offered to someone who has achieved something or done something well.
How do you spell It?
It is spelled with an “i-t.” It is a pronoun that is used to refer to a thing or an animal, or to a person of unspecified gender.
How do you spell Through?
Through is spelled with a “t-h-r-o-u-g-h.” It is a preposition that means “from one side of something to the other side.” It can also mean “from the beginning to the end of something,” or “by means of something.”
How do you spell Gorgeous?
Gorgeous is spelled with a “g-o-r-g-e-o-u-s.” It means very beautiful or attractive, especially in a way that pleases the senses.
How do you spell The?
The is spelled with a “t-h-e.” It is a definite article that is used to refer to a specific person, place, thing, or idea.
How do you spell Tongue?
Tongue is spelled with a “t-o-n-g-u-e.” It is a muscular organ in the mouth that is used for tasting, speaking, and swallowing.
How do you spell Patience?
Patience is spelled with a “p-a-t-i-e-n-c-e.” It is the ability to wait calmly or endure something, especially something that is difficult or unpleasant.
How do you spell Favorite?
Favorite is spelled with a “f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e.” It means most liked or preferred, or held in highest regard.
How do you spell People?
People is spelled with a “p-e-o-p-l-e.” It refers to human beings in general, or to a group or community of individuals.
How do you spell Anniversary?
Anniversary is spelled with an “a-n-n-i-v-e-r-s-a-r-y.” It is a date that marks a special event or occasion, such as a wedding or the founding of a company, that occurs every year.
How do you spell Quiet?
Quiet is spelled with a “q-u-i-e-t.” It means having or producing little or no sound, or not being active or busy.
How do you spell Cancelled?
Cancelled is spelled with a “c-a-n-c-e-l-l-e-d.” It means that an event or activity has been stopped or called off, or that an arrangement or agreement has been ended.
How do you spell Spaghetti?
Spaghetti is spelled with a “s-p-a-g-h-e-t-t-i.” It is a type of pasta that is made from wheat flour and water, and is shaped in long, thin strands.
How do you spell Neighbor?
Neighbor is spelled with a “n-e-i-g-h-b-o-r.” It refers to a person who lives near or next to someone else.
How do you spell Daughter?
Daughter is spelled with a “d-a-u-g-h-t-e-r.” It is a female child or offspring, or a woman in relation to her parents.
How do you spell Friend?
Friend is spelled with a “f-r-i-e-n-d.” It is a person who is connected to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
How do you spell Hallelujah?
Hallelujah is spelled with an “h-a-l-l-e-l-u-j-a-h.” It is an exclamation of praise or joy, often used in religious contexts. It is derived from the Hebrew word “hallelu,” which means “praise ye.”
How do you spell Gray?
Gray is spelled with a “g-r-a-y.” It is a color that is a mixture of black and white, and is often used to describe something that is neither black nor white.
How do you spell Believe?
Believe is spelled with a “b-e-l-i-e-v-e.” It means to accept as true or real, or to have confidence in the truth or existence of something.
How do you spell Lose?
Lose is spelled with a “l-o-s-e.” It means to be unable to find something that one had, or to be unable to keep something that one had. It can also mean to fail to win or gain something.
How do you spell Sincerely?
Sincerely is spelled with a “s-i-n-c-e-r-e-l-y.” It is an expression of honesty or genuineness, often used to close a letter or email.
How do you spell Delicious?
Delicious is spelled with a “d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s.” It means very pleasing to the senses, especially to the taste.
How do you spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is spelled with a “s-u-p-e-r-c-a-l-i-f-r-a-g-i-l-i-s-t-i-c-e-x-p-i-a-l-i-d-o-c-i-o-u-s.” It is a made-up word that is used to describe something that is extremely good or impressive. It is popularized by the song of the same name from the 1964 musical film “Mary Poppins.”
How do you spell Chaos?
Chaos is spelled with a “c-h-a-o-s.” It refers to a state of complete confusion or disorder, or to a situation in which events or circumstances are unpredictable or uncontroll.
How do you spell Especially?
Especially is spelled with an “e-s-p-e-c-i-a-l-l-y.” It means particularly or especially, or in a way that is distinct or exceptional.
How do you spell Disease?
Disease is spelled with a “d-i-s-e-a-s-e.” It is an abnormal condition that affects the body or mind, and that is characterized by specific signs or symptoms.
How do you spell Different?
Different is spelled with a “d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t.” It means not the same as something else, or not belonging to the same category or group.
How do you spell Family?
Family is spelled with a “f-a-m-i-l-y.” It refers to a group of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption, and who live together as a unit.
How do you spell Anxiety?
Anxiety is spelled with an “a-n-x-i-e-t-y.” It is a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, often about an uncertain outcome or something with an unknown outcome.
How do you spell Special?
Special is spelled with a “s-p-e-c-i-a-l.” It means distinct or unusual, or having a particular value or significance.
How do you spell 12?
12 is spelled with a “1-2.” It is the number that comes after 11 and before 13.
How do you spell Thought?
Thought is spelled with a “t-h-o-u-g-h-t.” It is the process of thinking or using the mind to consider something, or the product of this process.
How do you spell Squirrel?
Squirrel is spelled with a “s-q-u-i-r-r-e-l.” It is a small, agile rodent that is known for its bushy tail and its habit of gathering and storing food.
How do you spell Thorough?
Thorough is spelled with a “t-h-o-r-o-u-g-h.” It means complete or thorough, or done with great care and attention to detail.
How do you spell Dessert?
Dessert is spelled with a “d-e-s-s-e-r-t.” It is a sweet course or dish that is served at the end of a meal.
How do you spell Exercise?
Exercise is spelled with an “e-x-e-r-c-i-s-e.” It refers to physical activity that is done to maintain or improve physical fitness and health. It can also refer to the use or practice of a particular right, privilege, or ability.
How do you spell Awesome?
Awesome is spelled with an “a-w-e-s-o-m-e.” It means inspiring awe or admiration, or causing feelings of great respect or wonder.
How do you spell Decision?
Decision is spelled with a “d-e-c-i-s-i-o-n.” It is a choice or judgment that is made after careful consideration, or the act of making such a choice or judgment.
How do you spell License?
License is spelled with a “l-i-c-e-n-s-e.” It is a legal authorization to do or own something, or to engage in a particular activity.
How do you spell Eight?
Eight is spelled with an “e-i-g-h-t.” It is the number that comes after seven and before nine.
How do you spell Apologize?
Apologize is spelled with an “a-p-o-l-o-g-i-z-e.” It means to express regret or remorse for something that one has done or not done, or to make an apology for something.
How do you spell Science?
Science is spelled with a “s-c-i-e-n-c-e.” It is the study of the natural world and how it works, using systematic observation and experimentation.
How do you spell Precious?
Precious is spelled with a “p-r-e-c-i-o-u-s.” It means very valuable or highly regarded, or held in great esteem.
How do you spell Fiance?
Fiance is spelled with a “f-i-a-n-c-e.” It is a man who is engaged to be married.
How do you spell Broccoli?
Broccoli is spelled with a “b-r-o-c-c-o-l-i.” It is a green vegetable that is part of the cabbage family, and that is known for its clusters of small, green flowers.
How do you spell Cousin?
Cousin is spelled with a “c-o-u-s-i-n.” It is a child of one’s uncle or aunt, or a relative who is descended from one’s grandparent.
How do you spell Their?
Their is spelled with a “t-h-e-i-r.” It is a possessive pronoun that is used to show possession or ownership by a group of people or things.
How do you spell Probably?
Probably is spelled with a “p-r-o-b-a-b-l-y.” It means likely or very likely to happen or be true.
How do you spell Vacuum?
Vacuum is spelled with a “v-a-c-u-u-m.” It refers to a space that is completely empty of matter, or to a device that is used to create such a space.
How do you spell Character?
Character is spelled with a “c-h-a-r-a-c-t-e-r.” It refers to the qualities or characteristics that distinguish one person or thing from another, or to a person in a story or play.
How do you spell Received?
Received is spelled with a “r-e-c-e-i-v-e-d.” It means to take or accept something that is offered or given, or to be given or presented with something.
How do you spell Breathe?
Breathe is spelled with a “b-r-e-a-t-h-e.” It means to take air into and exhale it from the lungs, or to inhale and exhale in this way.
How do you spell Asthma?
Asthma is spelled with an “a-s-t-h-m-a.” It is a chronic respiratory condition that is characterized by inflammation of the”Vaccine” is spelled with a “v-a-c-c-i-n-e.” It is a substance that is made from a weakened or killed form of a disease-causing organism, or from a part of the organism’s structure. It is used to prevent or reduce the risk of infection by the organism.
How do you spell Enough?
Enough is spelled with an “e-n-o-u-g-h.” It means sufficient or ample, or as much as is needed.
How do you spell Please?
Please is spelled with a “p-l-e-a-s-e.” It is a polite word that is used to request or ask for something, or to express a desire or wish.
How do you spell Necessary?
Necessary is spelled with a “n-e-c-e-s-s-a-r-y.” It means required or essential, or indispensable for a particular purpose.
How do you spell Giraffe?
Giraffe is spelled with a “g-i-r-a-f-f-e.” It is a large, hoofed mammal that is native to Africa, and that is known for its long neck and legs, and its distinctive pattern of spots.
How do you spell Weird?
Weird is spelled with a “w-e-i-r-d.” It means strange or unusual, or having an unsettling or supernatural quality.
How do you spell With?
With is spelled with a “w-i-t-h.” It is a preposition that is used to indicate accompaniment, association, or accompaniment.
How do you spell Penicillin?
Penicillin is spelled with a “p-e-n-i-c-i-l-l-i-n.” It is a type of antibiotic that is used to treat infections caused by bacteria.
How do you spell Tear?
Tear is spelled with a “t-e-a-r.” It is a drop of clear, salty liquid that is produced by the glands in the eyes, and that is expelled when one cries.
How do you spell Angel?
Angel is spelled with an “a-n-g-e-l.” It is a supernatural being that is believed to be a messenger of God, or to be a guardian or protector of a person or place.
How do you spell Answer?
Answer is spelled with an “a-n-s-w-e-r.” It is a response to a question or a request, or a solution to a problem or a puzzle.
How do you spell House?
House is spelled with a “h-o-u-s-e.” It is a building that is used as a home or dwelling, or a place where people live. It can also refer to a family or household, or to the members of a household.
How do you spell Surprise?
Surprise is spelled with a “s-u-r-p-r-i-s-e.” It is a feeling of amazement or wonder that is caused by something unexpected or unexpected.
How do you spell That?
That is spelled with a “t-h-a-t.” It is a pronoun that is used to indicate a person, thing, or idea that is being referred to.
How do you spell Psycho?
Psycho is spelled with a “p-s-y-c-h-o.” It is a shortened form of the word “psychopath,” which refers to a person who is suffering from a mental disorder characterized by abnormal or violent social behavior.
How do you spell Inconvenience?
Inconvenience is spelled with an “i-n-c-o-n-v-e-n-i-e-n-c-e.” It is a state of being inconvenient or burdensome, or a difficulty or problem that causes discomfort or discomfort.
How do you spell Question?
Question is spelled with a “q-u-e-s-t-i-o-n.” It is a request for information or an inquiry, or a doubt or problem that is to be resolved.
How do you spell February?
February is spelled with a “f-e-b-r-u-a-r-y.” It is the second month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, and it has 28 or 29 days.
How do you spell Guarantee?
Guarantee is spelled with a “g-u-a-r-a-n-t-e-e.” It is a promise or assurance that something will happen or be the case, or that something is of a certain quality or standard. It can also refer to a written or formal undertaking to this effect.
How do you spell Immediately?
Immediately is spelled with an “i-m-m-e-d-i-a-t-e-l-y.” It means without delay or hesitation, or at once.
How do you spell Scissors?
Scissors is spelled with a “s-c-i-s-s-o-r-s.” It is a cutting tool that consists of two sharp blades that are joined together at a pivot point, and that is used for cutting paper, cloth, or other materials.
How do you spell Naive?
Naive is spelled with a “n-a-i-v-e.” It means having or showing a lack of experience, knowledge, or judgment, or being easily deceived or duped.
How do you spell Weight?
Weight is spelled with a “w-e-i-g-h-t.” It is the measure of the heaviness of an object, or the force exerted on an object due to gravity.
How do you spell Unfortunately?
Unfortunately is spelled with an “u-n-f-o-r-t-u-n-a-t-e-l-y.” It is used to indicate that something unfortunate or undesirable has happened or is true.
How do you spell Psychiatrist?
Psychiatrist is spelled with a “p-s-y-c-h-i-a-t-r-i-s-t.” It is a medical doctor who specializes in the treatment of mental disorders.
How do you spell Where?
Where is spelled with a “w-h-e-r-e.” It is a adverb or pronoun that is used to ask about the location or position of something.
How do you spell Experience?
Experience is spelled with an “e-x-p-e-r-i-e-n-c-e.” It is the knowledge or skill that one acquires through exposure to or participation in events or activities.
How do you spell Grateful?
Grateful is spelled with a “g-r-a-t-e-f-u-l.” It means feeling or showing gratitude or appreciation, or being thankful for something.
How do you spell Psychic?
Psychic is spelled with a “p-s-y-c-h-i-c.” It refers to the ability to perceive or know things that are beyond the natural senses, or to the ability to influence events or the environment through mental or spiritual means.
How do you spell Quite?
Quite is spelled with a “q-u-i-t-e.” It means completely or fully, or to a considerable degree. It can also be used to give emphasis or to contradict a negative statement.
How do you spell Conscience?
Conscience is spelled with a “c-o-n-s-c-i-e-n-c-e.” It is the inner voice or sense of what is right or wrong, or the moral judgment that guides one’s actions or decisions.
How do you spell What?
What is spelled with a “w-h-a-t.” It is a pronoun that is used to ask for information about a person, thing, or idea.
How do you spell Scared?
Scared is spelled with a “s-c-a-r-e-d.” It means feeling or showing fear or anxiety, or being afraid of something.
How do you spell Live?
Live is spelled with a “l-i-v-e.” It means to be alive or to exist, or to have life or vitality.
How do you spell Want?
Want is spelled with a “w-a-n-t.” It means to desire or to wish for something, or to feel a need or a lack.
How do you spell Excited?
Excited is spelled with an “e-x-c-i-t-e-d.” It means feeling or showing enthusiasm or eagerness, or being stimulated or aroused.
How do you spell Piece?
Piece is spelled with a “p-i-e-c-e.” It is a part, segment, or portion of something, or a single item or unit.
How do you spell White?
White is spelled with a “w-h-i-t-e.” It is a color that is the absence of color, or that reflects all wavelengths of light.
How do you spell Vehicle?
Vehicle is spelled with a “v-e-h-i-c-l-e.” It is a means of transport or conveyance, such as a car, truck, or plane.
How do you spell Refrigerator?
Refrigerator is spelled with a “r-e-f-r-i-g-e-r-a-t-o-r.” It is a household appliance that is used to keep food and drinks cold by circulating cool air around them.
How do you spell Funeral?
Funeral is spelled with a “f-u-n-e-r-a-l.” It is a ceremony or service that is held in honor of a deceased person, or the process of burying or cremating a body.
How do you spell Between?
Between is spelled with a “b-e-t-w-e-e-n.” It means in the space separating two things, or in the interval separating two points.
How do you spell Conversation?
Conversation is spelled with a “c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n.” It means a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more people, in which news and ideas are exchanged.
How do you spell Blanket?
Blanket is spelled with a “b-l-a-n-k-e-t.” It means a large piece of thick cloth, typically one used for warmth as a bedcover.
How do you spell Paint?
Paint is spelled with a “p-a-i-n-t.” It means a liquid substance used to produce a colored coat on a surface.
How do you spell Pee?
Pee is spelled with a “p-e-e.” It is a colloquial term for urine.
How do you spell Hard?
Hard is spelled with a “h-a-r-d.” It means having a firm, solid, or sturdy structure or substance.
How do you spell Weiner?
Weiner is spelled with a “w-e-i-n-e-r.” It is another term for a hot dog.
How do you spell Reveal?
Reveal is spelled with a “r-e-v-e-a-l.” It means to make known or visible something that was previously hidden or secret.
How do you spell Delusional?
Delusional is spelled with a “d-e-l-u-s-i-o-n-a-l.” It means suffering from delusions, or having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions.
How do you spell Pants?
Pants is spelled with a “p-a-n-t-s.” It means an outer garment covering the body from the waist to the ankles, with a separate part for each leg.
How do you spell Concierge?
Concierge is spelled with a “c-o-n-c-i-e-r-g-e.” It means a person who is responsible for the maintenance and services of a building, such as a hotel or apartment, and who assists the residents or guests.
How do you spell Total?
Total is spelled with a “t-o-t-a-l.” It means being or representing the whole number or amount.
How do you spell Angela?
Angela is spelled with an “a-n-g-e-l-a.” It is a feminine given name.
How do you spell Anemic?
Anemic is spelled with an “a-n-e-m-i-c.” It means suffering from anemia, or having a deficiency of red blood cells or of hemoglobin in the blood.
How do you spell Amoxicillin?
Amoxicillin is spelled with an “a-m-o-x-i-c-i-l-l-i-n.” It is a type of antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections.
How do you spell Delete?
Delete is spelled with a “d-e-l-e-t-e.” It means to remove or erase something, especially electronically.
How do you spell Dorothy?
Dorothy is spelled with a “d-o-r-o-t-h-y.” It is a feminine given name.
How do you spell Rescue?
Rescue is spelled with a “r-e-s-c-u-e.” It means to free from danger or harm.
How do you spell Eucalyptus?
Eucalyptus is spelled with an “e-u-c-a-l-y-p-t-u-s.” It is a tree with aromatic leaves, native to Australia, and the wood of which is used for building and paper production.
How do you spell Syringe?
Syringe is spelled with a “s-y-r-i-n-g-e.” It is a medical instrument used for injecting or withdrawing fluids.
How do you spell Courageous?
Courageous is spelled with a “c-o-u-r-a-g-e-o-u-s.” It means having or showing courage, especially in the face of danger or difficulty.
How do you spell Pirate?
Pirate is spelled with a “p-i-r-a-t-e.” It means a person who attacks and robs ships at sea.
How do you spell Cause?
Cause is spelled with a “c-a-u-s-e.” It means a factor that contributes to the production of an effect or result.
How do you spell Theory?
Theory is spelled with a “t-h-e-o-r-y.” It means a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
How do you spell Tournament?
Tournament is spelled with a “t-o-u-r-n-a-m-e-n-t.” It means a series of games or contests in which a number of competitors play against each other, often in elimination format.
How do you spell Advise?
Advise is spelled with an “a-d-v-i-s-e.” It means to give someone guidance or recommendations on a particular matter.
How do you spell Ankle?
Ankle is spelled with an “a-n-k-l-e.” It is the joint between the foot and the leg, and it allows for movement in the area.
How do you spell Year?
Year is spelled with a “y-e-a-r.” It is a period of time equal to 365 or 366 days, associated with one orbit around the sun.
How do you spell Then?
Then is spelled with a “t-h-e-n.” It means at that time or at that moment.
How do you spell Professor?
Professor is spelled with a “p-r-o-f-e-s-s-o-r.” It means a person who is an expert in a particular field and who teaches or lectures in a university or college.
How do you spell Across?
Across is spelled with an “a-c-r-o-s-s.” It means from one side to the other of (something that is wide or broad).
How do you spell Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is spelled with an “o-s-t-e-o-p-o-r-o-s-i-s.” It is a medical condition in which the bones become weak and brittle, and prone to fractures.
How do you spell Jasmine?
Jasmine is spelled with a “j-a-s-m-i-n-e.” It is a type of flowering plant, and its flowers are used to produce perfume and tea.
How do you spell Evening?
Evening is spelled with an “e-v-e-n-i-n-g.” It means the latter part of the day and early part of the night.
How do you spell Quick?
Quick is spelled with a “q-u-i-c-k.” It means happening or done with speed or suddenness.
How do you spell Boulevard?
Boulevard is spelled with a “b-o-u-l-e-v-a-r-d.” It is a wide street in a city, typically one with a median strip and trees along the sides.
How do you spell Amethyst?
Amethyst is spelled with an “a-m-e-t-h-y-s-t.” It is a type of violet or purple gemstone.
How do you spell Both?
Both is spelled with a “b-o-t-h.” It means the two or a pair of things.
How do you spell Cushion?
Cushion is spelled with a “c-u-s-h-i-o-n.” It is a soft pad, typically one used to sit or lie on.
How do you spell Porch?
Porch is spelled with a “p-o-r-c-h.” It is a structure attached to the entrance of a building, typically a house, and which provides protection from the weather.
How do you spell Atmosphere?
Atmosphere is spelled with an “a-t-m-o-s-p-h-e-r-e.” It is the envelope of gases surrounding the earth or another planet.
How do you spell Gabriel?
Gabriel is spelled with a “g-a-b-r-i-e-l.” It is a masculine given name.
How do you spell Encourage?
Encourage is spelled with an “e-n-c-o-u-r-a-g-e.” It means to give support, confidence, or hope to someone.
How do you spell Boutonniere?
Boutonniere is spelled with a “b-o-u-t-o-n-n-i-e-r-e.” It is a small flower, typically a rose or a carnation, worn by a man on his lapel.
How do you spell Volcano?
Volcano is spelled with a “v-o-l-c-a-n-o.” It is a mountain with a hole at the top through which molten rock and ash are ejected, and it is formed by the action of a volcano.
How do you spell Things?
Things is spelled with a “t-h-i-n-g-s.” It means objects or items that can be seen or touched.
How do you spell Couple?
Couple is spelled with a “c-o-u-p-l-e.” It means two people who are married, engaged, or romantically involved. It can also mean two things that are considered together.
How do you spell Good?
Good is spelled with a “g-o-o-d.” It means having the qualities that are desirable or commendable.
How do you spell Everyone?
Everyone is spelled with an “e-v-e-r-y-o-n-e.” It means all people.
How do you spell Numb?
Numb is spelled with a “n-u-m-b.” It means having no sensation or feeling, especially as a result of injury or shock.
How do you spell Apocalypse?
Apocalypse is spelled with an “a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e.” It means a sudden and widespread disaster, especially one involving destruction or damage on a massive scale.
How do you spell Appendix?
Appendix is spelled with an “a-p-p-e-n-d-i-x.” It is a tube-like structure attached to the large intestine in humans, and it has a limited function in the body.
How do you spell Boat?
Boat is spelled with a “b-o-a-t.” It is a small vessel propelled on water by oars, sails, or an engine.
How do you spell Onesie?
Onesie is spelled with an “o-n-e-s-i-e.” It is a one-piece garment for an infant or a baby, covering the body from the neck down to the feet.
How do you spell Truth?
Truth is spelled with a “t-r-u-t-h.” It means the quality or state of being true, especially when it is in accordance with fact or reality.
How do you spell Sing?
Sing is spelled with a “s-i-n-g.” It means to produce a series of musical sounds with the voice, especially words that have been set to music.
How do you spell Title?
Title is spelled with a “t-i-t-l-e.” It means a name given to something, especially to a book, film, or piece of music.
How do you spell Escape?
Escape is spelled with an “e-s-c-a-p-e.” It means to get away from a place or situation, especially one that is dangerous, unpleasant, or confining.
How do you spell Watermelon?
Watermelon is spelled with a “w-a-t-e-r-m-e-l-o-n.” It is a large, round or oval fruit with a hard green rind and a sweet, juicy, usually red or pink flesh.
How do you spell Able?
Able is spelled with an “a-b-l-e.” It means having the necessary power, skill, resources, or qualifications to do something.
How do you spell Fish?
Fish is spelled with a “f-i-s-h.” It is a cold-blooded, aquatic vertebrate with gills, fins, and a streamlined body, and it is often used as food.
How do you spell Car?
Car is spelled with a “c-a-r.” It is a road vehicle with an internal combustion engine or an electric motor, used for the transportation of people or goods.
How do you spell Licence?
Licence is spelled with a “l-i-c-e-n-c-e.” It is a permission granted to do or use something, especially by a government or other authority.
How do you spell Apartment?
Apartment is spelled with an “a-p-a-r-t-m-e-n-t.” It is a self-contained unit of a residential building, usually on one floor and with its own front door.
How do you spell Palate?
Palate is spelled with a “p-a-l-a-t-e.” It is the roof of the mouth, separating the oral and nasal cavities.
How do you spell Deborah?
Deborah is spelled with a “d-e-b-o-r-a-h.” It is a feminine given name.
How do you spell Cortisone?
Cortisone is spelled with a “c-o-r-t-i-s-o-n-e.” It is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland, and it is used as a medication to reduce inflammation.
How do you spell Paradise?
Paradise is spelled with a “p-a-r-a-d-i-s-e.” It is a place of great beauty, happiness, or delight.
How do you spell Rabbit?
Rabbit is spelled with a “r-a-b-b-i-t.” It is a small, timid mammal with long ears, a short tail, and powerful hind legs, often kept as a pet or hunted for its meat.
How do you spell Tiara?
Tiara is spelled with a “t-i-a-r-a.” It is a crown, typically one made of precious metal and adorned with jewels, worn by a woman on formal occasions.
How do you spell Period?
Period is spelled with a “p-e-r-i-o-d.” It is a length of time, typically one marked by the occurrence of a particular event or set of events.
How do you spell Sapphire?
Sapphire is spelled with a “s-a-p-p-h-i-r-e.” It is a precious gemstone, typically a blue or a purple one.
How do you spell Styrofoam?
Styrofoam is spelled with a “s-t-y-r-o-f-o-a-m.” It is a brand of expanded polystyrene foam, used as insulation and packaging material.
How do you spell Site?
Site is spelled with a “s-i-t-e.” It is a place or location, especially one of historical or cultural importance.
How do you spell Curiosity?
Curiosity is spelled with a “c-u-r-i-o-s-i-t-y.” It is a strong desire to know or learn something.
How do you spell Pajamas?
Pajamas is spelled with a “p-a-j-a-m-a-s.” It is a garment worn for sleep, consisting of loose trousers and a shirt with a collar and sleeves.
How do you spell Fortnight?
Fortnight is spelled with a “f-o-r-t-n-i-g-h-t.” It is a period of 14 days or two weeks.
How do you spell Also?
Also is spelled with an “a-l-s-o.” It means in addition or as well.
How do you spell Chris?
Chris is spelled with a “c-h-r-i-s.” It is a shortened form of the given name Christopher.
How do you spell Kangaroo?
Kangaroo is spelled with a “k-a-n-g-a-r-o-o.” It is a marsupial native to Australia, with a powerful hind legs, a long tail, and large ears.
How do you spell Burgundy?
Burgundy is spelled with a “b-u-r-g-u-n-d-y.” It is a dark red color, named after a region in France known for its wines.
How do you spell Registration?
Registration is spelled with a “r-e-g-i-s-t-r-a-t-i-o-n.” It is the act of enrolling or the state of being enrolled, especially for a particular purpose, such as voting or driving.
How do you spell Common?
Common is spelled with a “c-o-m-m-o-n.” It means shared by or happening to all members of a group.
How do you spell Cocoa?
Cocoa is spelled with a “c-o-c-o-a.” It is a powder made from roasted and ground cocoa seeds, used to make chocolate and other food products.
How do you spell Previous?
Previous is spelled with a “p-r-e-v-i-o-u-s.” It means happening or coming before in time.
How do you spell Truck?
Truck is spelled with a “t-r-u-c-k.” It is a large, heavy vehicle used for transporting goods, especially over long distances.
How do you spell Dictionary?
Dictionary is spelled with a “d-i-c-t-i-o-n-a-r-y.” It is a book that contains a list of words, with their meanings and definitions, often arranged in alphabetical order.
How do you spell Mother?
Mother is spelled with a “m-o-t-h-e-r.” It is a woman who has given birth to a child, and who is responsible for the care and nurturing of that child.
How do you spell Option?
Option is spelled with an “o-p-t-i-o-n.” It is a choice or an alternative that is available to someone.
How do you spell Stuck?
Stuck is spelled with a “s-t-u-c-k.” It means unable to move or to be separated from something.
How do you spell Else?
Else is spelled with an “e-l-s-e.” It means in addition to what has been mentioned.
How do you spell Plastic?
Plastic is spelled with a “p-l-a-s-t-i-c.” It is a synthetic material made from a wide range of organic polymers, such as polyethylene, PVC, nylon, etc., that can be molded into a variety of shapes and forms when soft.
How do you spell Horror?
Horror is spelled with a “h-o-r-r-o-r.” It is a strong feeling of fear, dread, or shock.
How do you spell Lunch?
Lunch is spelled with a “l-u-n-c-h.” It is a meal eaten in the middle of the day, typically one that is lighter than dinner.
How do you spell Parrot?
Parrot is spelled with a “p-a-r-r-o-t.” It is a brightly colored, tropical bird with a curved beak and the ability to mimic sounds, especially human speech.
How do you spell Ryan?
Ryan is spelled with a “r-y-a-n.” It is a masculine given name.
How do you spell Odyssey?
Odyssey is spelled with an “o-d-y-s-s-e-y.” It is a long and eventful journey, typically marked by many changes of fortune.
How do you spell View?
View is spelled with a “v-i-e-w.” It is a way of looking at or considering something.
How do you spell Senile?
Senile is spelled with a “s-e-n-i-l-e.” It means affected by old age and declining mental faculties, especially in the elderly.
How do you spell Uncomfortable?
Uncomfortable is spelled with an “u-n-c-o-m-f-o-r-t-a-b-l-e.” It means causing or feeling physical or mental discomfort.
How do you spell Single?
Single is spelled with a “s-i-n-g-l-e.” It means being alone or unaccompanied, or being the only one of its kind. It can also mean not married or romantically involved.
How do you spell Get?
Get is spelled with a “g-e-t.” It means to obtain, acquire, or receive something.
How do you spell Catholic?
Catholic is spelled with a “c-a-t-h-o-l-i-c.” It means of or relating to the Christian Church that is led by the Pope and that regards the Pope as the successor of Saint Peter.
How do you spell Left?
Left is spelled with a “l-e-f-t.” It means on or to the side that is on the left when facing the same direction as someone or something.
How do you spell Ariana?
Ariana is spelled with an “a-r-i-a-n-a.” It is a feminine given name.
How do you spell Satan?
Satan is spelled with a “s-a-t-a-n.” It is a supernatural being or spirit, often depicted as a tempter or deceiver, and believed by some religions to be the embodiment of evil.
How do you spell Experiment?
Experiment is spelled with an “e-x-p-e-r-i-m-e-n-t.” It is a scientific procedure that is carried out to test a hypothesis or a theory.
How do you spell Balance?
Balance is spelled with a “b-a-l-a-n-c-e.” It is a state of being in equilibrium or in the correct proportions.
How do you spell Crazy?
Crazy is spelled with a “c-r-a-z-y.” It means mentally ill or suffering from a severe mental disorder.
How do you spell Purse?
Purse is spelled with a “p-u-r-s-e.” It is a small bag used for carrying money and other small personal items.
How do you spell Violin?
Violin is spelled with a “v-i-o-l-i-n.” It is a stringed musical instrument with a long, narrow neck and four strings, played with a bow or by plucking.
How do you spell Rodriguez?
Rodriguez is spelled with a “r-o-d-r-i-g-u-e-z.” It is a surname of Spanish origin.
How do you spell Category?
Category is spelled with a “c-a-t-e-g-o-r-y.” It is a group or class of things having some common characteristics or attributes.
How do you spell Free?
Free is spelled with a “f-r-e-e.” It means not costing or charging anything.
How do you spell Surely?
Surely is spelled with a “s-u-r-e-l-y.” It means certainly or undoubtedly.
How do you spell Steak?
Steak is spelled with a “s-t-e-a-k.” It is a slice of meat, usually beef, that is cooked by grilling or frying.
How do you spell Caleb?
Caleb is spelled with a “c-a-l-e-b.” It is a masculine given name.
How do you spell Chair?
Chair is spelled with a “c-h-a-i-r.” It is a piece of furniture that is designed to be sat on, typically with four legs and a back.
How do you spell Dragon?
Dragon is spelled with a “d-r-a-g-o-n.” It is a mythical creature typically depicted as a large, winged reptile with sharp teeth and claws, breathing fire.
How do you spell Strong?
Strong is spelled with a “s-t-r-o-n-g.” It means having physical power, energy, or determination.
How do you spell Pinata?
Pinata is spelled with a “p-i-n-a-t-a.” It is a decorated container traditionally filled with small toys, sweets, or treats, and hung up for people, especially children, to hit with sticks as part of a party game.
How do you spell Porcelain?
Porcelain is spelled with a “p-o-r-c-e-l-a-i-n.” It is a type of ceramic material that is hard, white, and translucent, and is used to make delicate and decorative objects such as vases, plates, and figurines.
How do you spell Cylinder?
Cylinder is spelled with a “c-y-l-i-n-d-e-r.” It is a geometrical shape with two circular ends and a curved side, typically with a circular or oval cross-section.
How do you spell Ugly?
Ugly is spelled with a “u-g-l-y.” It means unattractive in appearance.
How do you spell Many?
Many is spelled with a “m-a-n-y.” It means a large number of things or people.
How do you spell Attendance?
Attendance is spelled with an “a-t-t-e-n-d-a-n-c-e.” It refers to the number of people present at an event or the act of being present at a particular place.
How do you spell Headache?
Headache is spelled with a “h-e-a-d-a-c-h-e.” It is a pain in the head or neck caused by tension, illness, or other factors.
How do you spell Life?
Life is spelled with a “l-i-f-e.” It refers to the existence of an individual organism, or the general or universal condition of living things.
How do you spell Raccoon?
Raccoon is spelled with a “r-a-c-c-o-o-n.” It is a small, omnivorous mammal native to North America, known for its distinctive black and white striped face and its habit of washing its food before eating.
How do you spell More?
More is spelled with a “m-o-r-e.” It is used to indicate a greater quantity or number.
How do you spell Being?
Being is spelled with a “b-e-i-n-g.” It refers to the existence or essence of a person or thing.
How do you spell Xylophone?
Xylophone is spelled with an “x-y-l-o-p-h-o-n-e.” It is a musical instrument consisting of a series of wooden bars of different lengths and widths, played by striking them with mallets.
How do you spell September?
September is spelled with a “s-e-p-t-e-m-b-e-r.” It is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
How do you spell Patricia?
Patricia is spelled with a “p-a-t-r-i-c-i-a.” It is a feminine given name.
How do you spell Bon appétit?
Bon appétit is spelled with a “b-o-n a-p-p-é-t-i-t.” It is a French phrase meaning “good appetite” or “enjoy your meal.”
How do you spell Park?
Park is spelled with a “p-a-r-k.” It is a public area of land with grass, trees, and other features, set aside for recreational use or the preservation of natural habitats.
How do you spell Made?
Made is spelled with a “m-a-d-e.” It is the past participle of the verb “make,” meaning to create or produce something.
How do you spell Beige?
Beige is spelled with a “b-e-i-g-e.” It is a pale sandy-brown color.
How do you spell Fidget?
Fidget is spelled with a “f-i-d-g-e-t.” It means to move restlessly or nervously, especially as a result of boredom or anxiety.
How do you spell Bizarre?
Bizarre is spelled with a “b-i-z-a-r-r-e.” It means strange or unusual, often in an unsettling way.
How do you spell Church?
Church is spelled with a “c-h-u-r-c-h.” It is a building used for public Christian worship, typically containing a altar and seats for the congregation.
How do you spell Eileen?
Eileen is spelled with an “e-i-l-e-e-n.” It is a feminine given name.
How do you spell Stairs?
Stairs is spelled with a “s-t-a-i-r-s.” It is a set of steps leading from one floor to another in a building.
How do you spell Lonely?
Lonely is spelled with a “l-o-n-e-l-y.” It means feeling or being alone, and longing for company or social interaction.
How do you spell Surgeon?
Surgeon is spelled with a “s-u-r-g-e-o-n.” It is a medical doctor who specializes in performing surgical procedures.
How do you spell Make?
Make is spelled with a “m-a-k-e.” It is a verb meaning to create or produce something.
How do you spell Bridge?
Bridge is spelled with a “b-r-i-d-g-e.” It is a structure that spans a river, road, or other obstacle, and provides a way for people or vehicles to cross from one side to the other.
How do you spell Third?
Third is spelled with a “t-h-i-r-d.” It means coming after the second in a series or sequence.
How do you spell Account?
Account is spelled with an “a-c-c-o-u-n-t.” It is a record or statement of financial transactions, or the right to use or control a particular sum of money or assets.
How do you spell Captain?
Captain is spelled with a “c-a-p-t-a-i-n.” It is a rank or title used in various organizations, such as the military, police, or merchant navy, to denote a leader or commander of a group.
How do you spell Monkey?
Monkey is spelled with a “m-o-n-k-e-y.” It is a small to medium-sized primate, characterized by long arms, a tail (if not tailless), and agile movements.
How do you spell Arthur?
Arthur is spelled with an “a-r-t-h-u-r.” It is a masculine given name.
How do you spell I love you?
I love you is spelled with an “i- l-o-v-e- y-o-u.” It is a phrase used to express strong affection or deep romantic love for someone.
How do you spell Racist?
Racist is spelled with a “r-a-c-i-s-t.” It means showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of a particular race.
How do you spell Adventurous?
Adventurous is spelled with an “a-d-v-e-n-t-u-r-o-u-s.” It means willing to take risks or try new and exciting experiences.
How do you spell Karate?
Karate is spelled with a “k-a-r-a-t-e.” It is a martial art developed in Japan that emphasizes striking techniques such as punches, kicks, and knee strikes, as well as blocking and grappling.
How do you spell Mustache?
Mustache is spelled with a “m-u-s-t-a-c-h-e.” It is a strip of hair grown on the upper lip, typically worn by men.
How do you spell Cadillac?
Cadillac is spelled with a “c-a-d-i-l-l-a-c.” It is a brand of luxury vehicles made by the American company General Motors.
How do you spell Instead?
Instead is spelled with an “i-n-s-t-e-a-d.” It means as a substitute or alternative.
How do you spell Chandelier?
Chandelier is spelled with a “c-h-a-n-d-e-l-i-e-r.” It is a decorative hanging light fixture with several branches, typically made of metal or glass, and used to hold candles or electric bulbs.
How do you spell Own?
Own is spelled with an “o-w-n.” It means belonging to oneself or itself.
How do you spell Sensitive?
Sensitive is spelled with a “s-e-n-s-i-t-i-v-e.” It means easily affected by or responsive to something, such as emotions, stimuli, or changes in the environment.
How do you spell Been is the past participle of the verb “be,” meaning to exist or to have a particular state or condition.?
Been is the past participle of the verb “be,” meaning to exist or to have a particular state or condition.
How do you spell Mediterranean?
Mediterranean is spelled with a “m-e-d-i-t-e-r-r-a-n-e-a-n.” It refers to the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea, or to things or people associated with this region.
How do you spell Story?
Story is spelled with a “s-t-o-r-y.” It is a narrative, either true or fictional, that tells a series of events or the experiences of one or more characters.
How do you spell Mouth?
Mouth is spelled with a “m-o-u-t-h.” It is the opening through which an animal or human takes in food and speaks.
How do you spell Jeopardy?
Jeopardy is spelled with a “j-e-o-p-a-r-d-y.” It means a situation in which someone or something is at risk of being harmed or lost.
How do you spell Renaissance?
Renaissance is spelled with a “r-e-n-a-i-s-s-a-n-c-e.” It is a cultural and intellectual movement that began in Italy in the 14th century and spread throughout Europe, marked by a renewed interest in classical learning and the arts.
How do you spell Vinegar?
Vinegar is spelled with a “v-i-n-e-g-a-r.” It is a sour-tasting liquid made from fermented ethanol, typically used as a condiment or for pickling.
How do you spell Poinsettia?
Poinsettia is spelled with a “p-o-i-n-s-e-t-t-i-a.” It is a tropical plant with bright red or yellow bracts (modified leaves) around the small yellow flowers, often used as a Christmas decoration.
How do you spell Iguana?
Iguana is spelled with an “i-g-u-a-n-a.” It is a large tropical reptile with a long tail and sharp claws, native to Central and South America.
How do you spell Idea?
Idea is spelled with an “i-d-e-a.” It is a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action or solution to a problem.
How do you spell Concrete?
Concrete is spelled with a “c-o-n-c-r-e-t-e.” It is a hard, strong building material made from a mixture of cement, sand, and aggregate, with water added to create a paste that hardens over time.
How do you spell Jacuzzi?
Jacuzzi is spelled with a “j-a-c-u-z-z-i.” It is a brand of hot tub or spa with jets of water used for massage and relaxation.
How do you spell Ninja?
Ninja is spelled with a “n-i-n-j-a.” It is a person trained in the traditional Japanese martial art of ninjutsu, characterized by stealth, secrecy, and the use of disguises and specialized weapons.
How do you spell Young?
Young is spelled with a “y-o-u-n-g.” It means having a relatively short life or being in an early stage of development.
How do you spell Lemonade?
Lemonade is spelled with a “l-e-m-o-n-a-d-e.” It is a cold drink made from lemon juice, sugar, and water.
How do you spell Fuchsia?
Fuchsia is spelled with a “f-u-c-h-s-i-a.” It is a purplish-red color, named after the flowering plant of the same name.
How do you spell Soul?
Soul is spelled with a “s-o-u-l.” It is the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, often seen as the true essence or core of their being.
How do you spell Capital?
Capital is spelled with a “c-a-p-i-t-a-l.” It can refer to a city that is the seat of government or the center of economic activity in a country, region, or state, or to the upper case form of a letter in the alphabet.
How do you spell Rectangle?
Rectangle is spelled with a “r-e-c-t-a-n-g-l-e.” It is a shape with four straight sides and four right angles, opposite sides being of equal length.
How do you spell Personality?
Personality is spelled with a “p-e-r-s-o-n-a-l-i-t-y.” It is the combination of qualities, characteristics, and traits that make a person unique and distinguish them from others.
How do you spell Rotisserie?
Rotisserie is spelled with a “r-o-t-i-s-s-e-r-i-e.” It is a device or a cooking method that involves rotating food, typically meat, over a heat source in order to cook it evenly.
How do you spell Questionnaire?
Questionnaire is spelled with a “q-u-e-s-t-i-o-n-n-a-i-r-e.” It is a set of questions, typically in a written or electronic form, used to gather information from people.
How do you spell Education?
Education is spelled with an “e-d-u-c-a-t-i-o-n.” It is the process of teaching and learning, especially at a school, college, or university, or the knowledge and skills acquired through this process.
How do you spell Mom?
Mom is spelled with a “m-o-m.” It is a term used to refer to one’s mother.
How do you spell Cherish?
Cherish is spelled with a “c-h-e-r-i-s-h.” It means to hold dear, to feel or show great love for, or to treat with care and affection.
How do you spell Shepherd?
Shepherd is spelled with a “s-h-e-p-h-e-r-d.” It is a person who tends and guards sheep, or who guides and protects a group of people.
How do you spell Whistle?
Whistle is spelled with a “w-h-i-s-t-l-e.” It is a small, narrow, hollow instrument through which a person blows to produce a high-pitched sound, used as a signal or for producing music.
How do you spell Mommy?
Mommy is spelled with a “m-o-m-m-y.” It is a term used by a child to refer to their mother.
How do you spell Private?
Private is spelled with a “p-r-i-v-a-t-e.” It means belonging or relating to an individual person or organization, rather than to the general public.
How do you spell Variety?
Variety is spelled with a “v-a-r-i-e-t-y.” It means the quality or state of being diverse, or the presence of a range of different things or people.
How do you spell Garbage?
Garbage is spelled with a “g-a-r-b-a-g-e.” It is waste or rubbish, especially household waste that is discarded as no longer useful or required.
How do you spell Chimney?
Chimney is spelled with a “c-h-i-m-n-e-y.” It is a structure that extends above the roof of a building and consists of a flue or a series of flues that carries smoke and
How do you spell Goatee?
Goatee is spelled with a “g-o-a-t-e-e.” It is a small beard that grows on the chin, typically shaped like a goatee.
How do you spell Guardian?
Guardian is spelled with a “g-u-a-r-d-i-a-n.” It is a person who protects, cares for, or looks after someone or something.
How do you spell TRUE?
True is spelled with a “t-r-u-e.” It means in accordance with fact or reality, or having fidelity or accuracy.
How do you spell Back?
Back is spelled with a “b-a-c-k.” It is the rear or hind part of something or someone, or the part opposite the front.
How do you spell Corner?
Corner is spelled with a “c-o-r-n-e-r.” It is the place where two sides or edges meet, typically at a right angle, or a position that is out of the way or hidden.
How do you spell Nose?
Nose is spelled with a “n-o-s-e.” It is the protruding part of the face that bears the nostrils and is used for breathing and smelling.
How do you spell Sure?
Sure is spelled with a “s-u-r-e.” It means confident or certain, or likely to happen or be true.
How do you spell Rainbow?
Rainbow is spelled with a “r-a-i-n-b-o-w.” It is an arch of colors formed in the sky, typically caused by the refraction and dispersion of sunlight through rain or other water droplets in the air.
How do you spell Wanted?
Wanted is spelled with a “w-a-n-t-e-d.” It means desired, wished for, or sought after.
How do you spell Chelsea?
Chelsea is spelled with a “c-h-e-l-s-e-a.” It can refer to a district in London, England, or to a type of ankle boot with elastic on the sides.
How do you spell Basically?
Basically is spelled with a “b-a-s-i-c-a-l-l-y.” It means in essence, at its most fundamental level, or in a general way.
How do you spell Rude?
Rude is spelled with a “r-u-d-e.” It means lacking in good manners, consideration, or respect for others.
How do you spell Referred?
Referred is the past tense and past participle of the verb “refer,” meaning to direct someone to a source of information or to someone who can help or advise them.
How do you spell Cabinet?
Cabinet is spelled with a “c-a-b-i-n-e-t.” It is a piece of furniture with shelves and doors or drawers for storing or displaying objects, or a group of advisors or ministers in a government, responsible for particular areas of policy.
How do you spell Licorice?
Licorice is spelled with a “l-i-c-o-r-i-c-e.” It is a sweet, chewy confectionery made from the root of a plant of the same name, often flavored with anise.
How do you spell Guidance?
Guidance is spelled with a “g-u-i-d-a-n-c-e.” It means the act of guiding or directing, or the information or advice provided for this purpose.
How do you spell Phyllis?
Phyllis is spelled with a “p-h-y-l-l-i-s.” It is a female given name, derived from the Greek name “Phyllis,” which means “foliage” or “green bough.”
How do you spell Magnificent?
Magnificent is spelled with a “m-a-g-n-i-f-i-c-e-n-t.” It means impressive or grand in size, appearance, or execution.
How do you spell Shower?
Shower is spelled with a “s-h-o-w-e-r.” It is a device that releases a spray of water for the purpose of bathing or cleaning, or a brief period of rain.
How do you spell Double?
Double is spelled with a “d-o-u-b-l-e.” It means twice the size, quantity, or amount, or having two of something.
How do you spell Register?
Register is spelled with a “r-e-g-i-s-t-e-r.” It means to enroll or enter in a list, record, or directory, or to make a formal or official recording of something.
How do you spell Cold?
Cold is spelled with a “c-o-l-d.” It means having a low temperature, or being below the normal or comfortable range.
How do you spell Incredible?
Incredible is spelled with an “i-n-c-r-e-d-i-b-l-e.” It means too extraordinary or improbable to be believed.
How do you spell Rain?
Rain is spelled with a “r-a-i-n.” It is water that falls from the clouds in the form of drops, or the sound made by the falling of this water.
How do you spell Aggressive?
Aggressive is spelled with an “a-g-g-r-e-s-s-i-v-e.” It means characterized by or tending towards aggression, or assertive and forceful in pursuit of a goal.
How do you spell Upholstery?
Upholstery is spelled with a “u-p-h-o-l-s-t-e-r-y.” It is the material used to cover and fill the padding of furniture, or the work of upholstering something.
How do you spell Suppose?
Suppose is spelled with a “s-u-p-p-o-s-e.” It means to assume or accept something as true or likely without conclusive proof.
How do you spell Survivor?
Survivor is spelled with a “s-u-r-v-i-v-o-r.” It is a person who lives through an event, especially a disaster, or who continues to exist or thrive in spite of adversity.
How do you spell Oops?
Oops is spelled with an “o-o-p-s.” It is an exclamation used to express surprise, apology, or recognition of a mistake or oversight.
How do you spell Executor?
Executor is spelled with an “e-x-e-c-u-t-o-r.” It is a person appointed to carry out the provisions of a will or the legal administration of an estate.
How do you spell Share?
Share is spelled with a “s-h-a-r-e.” It is a part or portion of something, especially when it is distributed or allocated, or a stock or bond representing an ownership interest in a corporation.
How do you spell Taste?
Taste is spelled with a “t-a-s-t-e.” It is the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance, or a small amount of something eaten or drunk in order to determine its flavor.
How do you spell Supervisor?
Supervisor is spelled with a “s-u-p-e-r-v-i-s-o-r.” It is a person who has the authority to oversee or manage the work of others, or who is in charge of a particular activity or area.
How do you spell Mercedes?
Mercedes is spelled with an “m-e-r-c-e-d-e-s.” It is a brand of luxury automobiles, produced by the German company Daimler AG.
How do you spell Masseuse?
Masseuse is spelled with an “m-a-s-s-e-u-s-e.” It is a woman who gives massages, or who is trained in the technique of massage.
How do you spell Control?
Control is spelled with a “c-o-n-t-r-o-l.” It is the power to influence or direct the behavior or actions of others, or the regulation or management of something.
How do you spell Burrito?
Burrito is spelled with a “b-u-r-r-i-t-o.” It is a Mexican dish consisting of a tortilla wrapped around a filling of meat, beans, and other ingredients, typically served hot.
How do you spell System?
System is spelled with a “s-y-s-t-e-m.” It is a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, or a set of principles or procedures according to which something is done.
How do you spell Place?
Place is spelled with a “p-l-a-c-e.” It is a particular position or location, or a particular area or region.
How do you spell Lanai?
Lanai is spelled with a “l-a-n-a-i.” It is a veranda or porch, especially one that is roofed and enclosed, or a type of room or open-air space in a Hawaiian house, used for relaxation or entertainment.
How do you spell Neil?
Neil is spelled with a “n-e-i-l.” It is a male given name, derived from the Irish name “Niall,” which means “champion.”
How do you spell Immune?
Immune is spelled with an “i-m-m-u-n-e.” It means resistant to or protected against a particular disease or other condition, or not subject to a particular influence or effect.
How do you spell There?
There is spelled with a “t-h-e-r-e.” It is used to indicate a particular place or position, or to introduce a clause or sentence.
How do you spell Heidi?
Heidi is spelled with an “h-e-i-d-i.” It is a female given name, derived from the German name “Heidi,” which means “noble” or “kind.”
How do you spell Anesthesiologist?
Anesthesiologist is spelled with an “a-n-e-s-t-h-e-s-i-o-l-o-g-i-s-t.” It is a medical doctor who specializes in administering and monitoring the use of anesthetics during surgery or other medical procedures.
How do you spell Throughout?
Throughout is spelled with a “t-h-r-o-u-g-h-o-u-t.” It means in every part or throughout the whole of something.
How do you spell Contagious?
Contagious is spelled with a “c-o-n-t-a-g-i-o-u-s.” It means capable of being transmitted from one person or thing to another, especially by direct contact.
How do you spell Galaxy?
Galaxy is spelled with a “g-a-l-a-x-y.” It is a large group of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies held together by mutual gravitational attraction, or a vast or apparently infinite expanse or range.
How do you spell Keith?
Keith is spelled with a “k-e-i-t-h.” It is a male given name, derived from a Scottish surname, which means “wood” or “wind.”
How do you spell Misspelled?
Misspelled is spelled with a “m-i-s-s-p-e-l-l-e-d.” It means spelled incorrectly, or having letters or syllables in the wrong order.
How do you spell Fraud?
Fraud is spelled with a “f-r-a-u-d.” It is the crime of using deception to obtain financial or personal gain, or a person or thing that is not what it purports to be.
How do you spell Noah?
Noah is spelled with a “n-o-a-h.” It is a male given name, derived from the Hebrew name “Noach,” which means “rest” or “comfort.”
How do you spell Real estate?
Real estate is spelled with a “r-e-a-l e-s-t-a-t-e.” It is land, buildings, and other physical structures, along with the rights associated with the use and enjoyment of them.
How do you spell Gallbladder?
Gallbladder is spelled with a “g-a-l-l-b-l-a-d-d-e-r.” It is a small, pear-shaped organ located in the upper right side of the abdomen, which stores and releases bile, a digestive fluid produced by the liver.
How do you spell Margarita?
Margarita is spelled with a “m-a-r-g-a-r-i-t-a.” It is a Mexican cocktail made with tequila, lime juice, and an orange-flavored liqueur, typically served in a glass rimmed with salt.
How do you spell Sieve?
Sieve is spelled with a “s-i-e-v-e.” It is a device with a mesh or perforated bottom, used for separating solid particles from liquid or for separating smaller particles from larger ones.
How do you spell Whale?
Whale is spelled with a “w-h-a-l-e.” It is a large marine mammal with a streamlined body, a horizontal tail fin, and a blowhole on top of the head for breathing, or a large, imposing person or thing.
How do you spell Definition?
Definition is spelled with a “d-e-f-i-n-i-t-i-o-n.” It is the explanation or meaning of a word or concept, or the action of defining something.
How do you spell Snake?
Snake is spelled with a “s-n-a-k-e.” It is a long, legless reptile with a flexible body and a forked tongue, or a treacherous or deceitful person.
How do you spell April?
April is spelled with an “a-p-r-i-l.” It is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, or a person or thing resembling this month in some way.
How do you spell Cafeteria?
Cafeteria is spelled with a “c-a-f-e-t-e-r-i-a.” It is a restaurant in which customers serve themselves food from a counter and pay for it at the end of their meal, or a place where food and drinks are available for purchase.
How do you spell Toupee?
Toupee is spelled with a “t-o-u-p-e-e.” It is a small wig or hairpiece worn by men to cover a bald spot, or a false or artificial front or cover.
How do you spell Twelfth?
Twelfth is spelled with a “t-w-e-l-f-t-h.” It is the ordinal number corresponding to the number 12, or one of 12 equal parts into which something is or can be divided.
How do you spell Company?
Company is spelled with a “c-o-m-p-a-n-y.” It is a business organization, or a group of people associated or working together.
How do you spell Lion?
Lion is spelled with a “l-i-o-n.” It is a large carnivorous mammal of the cat family, with a shaggy mane and a tawny coat, or a person or thing resembling this animal in some way.
How do you spell Microwave?
Microwave is spelled with a “m-i-c-r-o-w-a-v-e.” It is an electromagnetic wave with a wavelength shorter than that of radio waves, used for transmitting information and for cooking food.”Pleasant” is spelled with a “p-l-e-a-s-a-n-t.” It means pleasing or enjoyable, or behaving in a friendly, courteous, or gracious manner.
How do you spell John?
John is spelled with a “j-o-h-n.” It is a male given name, derived from the Hebrew name “Yochanan,” which means “God is gracious.”
How do you spell Fault?
Fault is spelled with a “f-a-u-l-t.” It is a defect or weakness, or responsibility for a mistake or wrongdoing.
How do you spell Butterfly?
Butterfly is spelled with a “b-u-t-t-e-r-f-l-y.” It is a flying insect with large, often brightly colored wings, or a person or thing resembling this insect in some way.
How do you spell Graffiti?
Graffiti is spelled with a “g-r-a-f-f-i-t-i.” It is drawings, paintings, or inscriptions made on public or private property without permission, or the act of making such markings.
How do you spell Stop?
Stop is spelled with a “s-t-o-p.” It is the act of stopping or ceasing to do something, or a place where something ends or is brought to an end.
How do you spell Hate?
Hate is spelled with a “h-a-t-e.” It is intense or passionate dislike, or the feeling or attitude of hating someone or something.
How do you spell Each other?
Each other is spelled with an “e-a-c-h o-t-h-e-r.” It means one another, or the reciprocal relationship between two or more people or things.
How do you spell Bacon?
Bacon is spelled with a “b-a-c-o-n.” It is cured meat, typically pork, cut into thin slices and fried or grilled, or a person or thing resembling this food in some way.
How do you spell Time?
Time is spelled with a “t-i-m-e.” It is a non-spatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future, or the measure of duration.
How do you spell Potential?
Potential is spelled with a “p-o-t-e-n-t-i-a-l.” It is existing in possibility, or having the capacity to become or develop into something.
How do you spell Self?
Self is spelled with a “s-e-l-f.” It is a person’s essential being, or the individual person as the object of its own reflective consciousness.
How do you spell Tarantula?
Tarantula is spelled with a “t-a-r-a-n-t-u-l-a.” It is a large, venomous spider with hairy legs and a distinctive reddish-brown body, or a person or thing resembling this spider in some way.
How do you spell Siri?
Siri is spelled with a “s-i-r-i.” It is a virtual assistant software application that is part of Apple Inc.’s iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, macOS, and tvOS operating systems, or a person or thing resembling this software in some way.
How do you spell Describe?
Describe is spelled with a “d-e-s-c-r-i-b-e.” It is to give a detailed account of something, or to represent something in words.
How do you spell Angry?
Angry is spelled with an “a-n-g-r-y.” It means feeling or showing strong or bitter resentment, or feeling or showing annoyance or impatience.
How do you spell Evidence?
Evidence is spelled with an “e-v-i-d-e-n-c-e.” It is information that supports a conclusion, or the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
How do you spell Adult?
Adult is spelled with an “a-d-u-l-t.” It is a person who has reached the age of majority, or a person or thing that has reached full development or maturity.
How do you spell Binoculars?
Binoculars is spelled with a “b-i-n-o-c-u-l-a-r-s.” It is a pair of telescopes or other optical instruments that are designed to be held up to the eyes and used with both eyes open, or a person or thing resembling these instruments in some way.
How do you spell Conclusion?
Conclusion is spelled with a “c-o-n-c-l-u-s-i-o-n.” It is the end or finish of something, or a judgment or decision reached after consideration.
How do you spell Asset?
Asset is spelled with an “a-s-s-e-t.” It is a valuable resource or advantage, or something owned that has value.
How do you spell Fierce?
Fierce is spelled with a “f-i-e-r-c-e.” It means showing ferocity or savagery, or extremely intense or uncompromising.
How do you spell Earlier?
Earlier is spelled with an “e-a-r-l-i-e-r.” It means at or near the beginning of a period of time, or happening or done before something else in time.
How do you spell Miraculous?
Miraculous is spelled with a “m-i-r-a-c-u-l-o-u-s.” It means having or attributed to the power of working miracles, or appearing to be impossible or extraordinary.
How do you spell Ecstatic?
Ecstatic is spelled with an “e-c-s-t-a-t-i-c.” It means feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.
How do you spell Fantastic?
Fantastic is spelled with a “f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c.” It means extremely good or excellent, or imaginary and supernatural.
How do you spell Genre?
Genre is spelled with a “g-e-n-r-e.” It is a category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content, or a person or thing resembling this type of composition in some way.
How do you spell Middle?
Middle is spelled with a “m-i-d-d-l-e.” It is the central point, position, or part, or the time or period halfway through something.
How do you spell Filet mignon?
Filet mignon is spelled with a “f-i-l-e-t m-i-g-n-o-n.” It is a small, tender cut of beef taken from the narrow end of the tenderloin, or a person or thing resembling this type of beef in some way.
How do you spell Karma?
Karma is spelled with a “k-a-r-m-a.” It is the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences, or the spiritual principle according to which each person is rewarded or punished in one incarnation according to their deeds in the previous.
How do you spell Open?
Open is spelled with an “o-p-e-n.” It means not closed or locked, or ready for business or admission.
How do you spell Beard?
Beard is spelled with a “b-e-a-r-d.” It is the hair that grows on the chin, lower lip, and cheeks of a person, or a person or thing resembling this hair in some way.
How do you spell Multiply?
Multiply is spelled with a “m-u-l-t-i-p-l-y.” It means to increase in number by reproducing, or to increase the size, extent, or quantity of something by adding to it.
How do you spell Sierra?
Sierra is spelled with a “s-i-e-r-r-a.” It is a mountain range, or a person or thing resembling this range in some way.
How do you spell Tree?
Tree is spelled with a “t-r-e-e.” It is a woody plant that has a single trunk, branches, and leaves, or a person or thing resembling this plant in some way.
How do you spell Ostrich?
Ostrich is spelled with an “o-s-t-r-i-c-h.” It is a large flightless bird with a long neck, long legs, and two toes on each foot, or a person or thing resembling this bird in some way.
How do you spell Surveillance?
Surveillance is spelled with a “s-u-r-v-e-i-l-l-a-n-c-e.” It is the close observation of a person or group, especially one under suspicion, or the act of monitoring something or someone.
How do you spell Island?
Island is spelled with an “i-s-l-a-n-d.” It is a piece of land surrounded by water, or a person or thing resembling this land in some way.
How do you spell Application?
Application is spelled with an “a-p-p-l-i-c-a-t-i-o-n.” It is a written or spoken request or the act of making a request for something, or the act of applying something to a surface or object.
How do you spell Benjamin?
Benjamin is spelled with a “b-e-n-j-a-m-i-n.” It is a male given name, or a person or thing resembling this name in some way.
How do you spell Determined?
Determined is spelled with a “d-e-t-e-r-m-i-n-e-d.” It means having made a firm decision and being resolved to do or achieve something, or having a specified quality or characteristic.
How do you spell Diane?
Diane is spelled with a “d-i-a-n-e.” It is a female given name, or a person or thing resembling this name in some way.
How do you spell Mammogram?
Mammogram is spelled with a “m-a-m-m-o-g-r-a-m.” It is an X-ray of the breast used to detect breast cancer, or the act of taking such an X-ray.
How do you spell Nickel?
Nickel is spelled with a “n-i-c-k-e-l.” It is a silvery-white metallic element with the atomic number 28 and the symbol Ni, or a coin made of this element.
How do you spell Furnace?
Furnace is spelled with a “f-u-r-n-a-c-e.” It is a structure or device for burning fuel to produce heat, or a person or thing resembling this structure or device in some way.
How do you spell Fatigue?
Fatigue is spelled with a “f-a-t-i-g-u-e.” It is a feeling of being tired or exhausted, or the act of causing someone to feel this way.
How do you spell Her?
Her is spelled with an “h-e-r.” It is a pronoun used to refer to a woman, girl, or female animal, or a person or thing resembling this woman, girl, or female animal in some way.
How do you spell Ouch?
Ouch is spelled with an “o-u-c-h.” It is an exclamation used to express pain or discomfort, or a person or thing resembling this exclamation in some way.
How do you spell Annual?
Annual is spelled with an “a-n-n-u-a-l.” It means occurring or done once a year, or lasting for a year.
How do you spell Prescription?
prescription “Prescription” is spelled with a “p-r-e-s-c-r-i-p-t-i-o-n.” It means a written or electronic order for a medicine or other treatment, given by a doctor or other medical practitioner to a patient or a pharmacy.
How do you spell One?
one “One” is spelled with an “o-n-e.” It refers to the number 1.
How do you spell Principal?
principal “Principal” is spelled with a “p-r-i-n-c-i-p-a-l.” It means the most important or main person or thing, or the person in charge of a school or other organization.
How do you spell Therapy?
therapy “Therapy” is spelled with a “t-h-e-r-a-p-y.” It refers to treatment of physical or mental illness or injury, or a way of dealing with a problem or difficulty.
How do you spell August?
august “August” is spelled with an “a-u-g-u-s-t.” It is the eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
How do you spell Familiar?
familiar “Familiar” is spelled with a “f-a-m-i-l-i-a-r.” It means well known or well acquainted with something or someone, or having the appearance of a close friend.
How do you spell Omelette?
omelette “Omelette” is spelled with an “o-m-e-l-e-t-t-e.” It is a dish made of beaten eggs cooked in a pan and sometimes filled with cheese, vegetables, or other ingredients.
How do you spell Journey?
journey “Journey” is spelled with a “j-o-u-r-n-e-y.” It means a trip or a passage from one place to another.
How do you spell Bought?
bought “Bought” is spelled with a “b-o-u-g-h-t.” It is the past tense of the verb “buy,” which means to acquire something by paying money or its equivalent.
How do you spell Miracle?
miracle “Miracle” is spelled with a “m-i-r-a-c-l-e.” It is an event that appears inexplicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.
How do you spell Mirror?
mirror “Mirror” is spelled with a “m-i-r-r-o-r.” It is a flat or curved surface of glass or other reflective material that reflects light or images.
How do you spell Great?
great “Great” is spelled with a “g-r-e-a-t.” It means very good or excellent, or larger than normal in size or amount.
How do you spell Obviously?
obviously “Obviously” is spelled with an “o-b-v-i-o-u-s-l-y.” It means clearly or obviously, or naturally.
How do you spell Eczema?
eczema “Eczema” is spelled with an “e-c-z-e-m-a.” It is a skin condition that is characterized by red, itchy, and inflamed patches of skin.
How do you spell Circle?
circle “Circle” is spelled with a “c-i-r-c-l-e.” It is a geometric figure consisting of all the points on a plane that are a given distance from a given point, the center.
How do you spell Your?
your “Your” is spelled with a “y-o-u-r.” It is a possessive form of “you,” used to indicate that something belongs to or is associated with the person being addressed.
How do you spell Excellent?
excellent “Excellent” is spelled with an “e-x-c-e-l-l-e-n-t.” It means very good or of a high quality.
How do you spell Schizophrenia?
schizophrenia “Schizophrenia” is spelled with a “s-c-h-i-z-o-p-h-r-e-n-i-a.” It is a serious mental illness characterized by a disconnection from reality and abnormal thinking and behavior.
How do you spell Three?
three “Three” is spelled with a “t-h-r-e-e.” It is the number 3.
How do you spell Saturday?
saturday “Saturday” is spelled with a “s-a-t-u-r-d-a-y.” It is the seventh day of the week.
How do you spell Wrong?
wrong “Wrong” is spelled with a “w-r-o-n-g.” It means not correct, or not in accordance with what is true or expected.
How do you spell Leprechaun?
leprechaun “Leprechaun” is spelled with an “l-e-p-r-e-c-h-a-u-n.” It is a type of fairy in Irish folklore, usually depicted as a small, mischievous man with a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
How do you spell Talk?
talk “Talk” is spelled with a “t-a-l-k.” It means to exchange thoughts or opinions in speech or writing, or to speak in order to give information or express ideas.
How do you spell Thank you?
thank you “Thank you” is spelled with a “t-h-a-n-k y-o-u.” It is a polite expression of gratitude.
How do you spell Situation?
situation “Situation” is spelled with a “s-i-t-u-a-t-i-o-n.” It means the way in which something or someone is placed in relation to their surroundings, or the set of circumstances in which someone or something finds themselves.
How do you spell Wood?
wood “Wood” is spelled with a “w-o-o-d.” It is a hard, fibrous material that is the main constituent of the trunk or branches of a tree or shrub, used for fuel or as a construction material.
How do you spell Guess?
guess “Guess” is spelled with a “g-u-e-s-s.” It means to form an opinion or conclusion about something without having certain knowledge, or to estimate or infer something without sufficient information.
How do you spell Why?
why “Why” is spelled with a “w-h-y.” It is used to ask for a reason or explanation.
How do you spell Knowledgeable?
knowledgeable “Knowledgeable” is spelled with a “k-n-o-w-l-e-d-g-e-a-b-l-e.” It means having a lot of knowledge about a particular subject or many subjects.
How do you spell Parents?
parents “Parents” is spelled with a “p-a-r-e-n-t-s.” It refers to a mother and father of a child.
How do you spell Museum?
museum “Museum” is spelled with a “m-u-s-e-u-m.” It is a building or place where interesting and valuable things, such as works of art or historical artifacts, are collected and displayed for the public to see.
How do you spell Dialysis?
dialysis “Dialysis” is spelled with a “d-i-a-l-y-s-i-s.” It is a medical treatment that filters and purifies the blood of a person whose kidneys are not working properly.
How do you spell Christian?
christian “Christian” is spelled with a “c-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n.” It refers to a person who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.
How do you spell Aunty?
aunty “Aunty” is spelled with an “a-u-n-t-y.” It is a term of address for an aunt, which is the sister of one’s parent or a close relative who is a woman and is older than oneself.
How do you spell Decided?
decided “Decided” is spelled with a “d-e-c-i-d-e-d.” It means having made a definite decision or choice.
How do you spell Genius?
genius “Genius” is spelled with a “g-e-n-i-u-s.” It means a very intelligent or talented person, or an exceptional natural ability or talent.
How do you spell Usually?
usually “Usually” is spelled with a “u-s-u-a-l-l-y.” It means generally or most of the time.
How do you spell Security?
security “Security” is spelled with a “s-e-c-u-r-i-t-y.” It means the state of being protected or safe from harm, or measures taken to protect something.
How do you spell Ooh?
ooh “Ooh” is spelled with an “o-o-h.” It is an exclamation of surprise or delight, or a representation of a sound made in such an exclamation.
How do you spell Sorry?
sorry “Sorry” is spelled with a “s-o-r-r-y.” It means feeling regret or remorse for something that one has done or failed to do, or feeling pity or compassion for someone else.
How do you spell Success?
success “Success” is spelled with a “s-u-c-c-e-s-s.” It means the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted, or the attainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.
How do you spell Here?
here “Here” is spelled with a “h-e-r-e.” It means in or at this place.
How do you spell Physical?
physical “Physical” is spelled with a “p-h-y-s-i-c-a-l.” It means relating to the body, or involving the body as distinguished from the mind or spirit.
How do you spell Cheese?
cheese “Cheese” is spelled with a “c-h-e-e-s-e.” It is a food made from the pressed curds of milk, often aged and flavored.
How do you spell English?
english “English” is spelled with an “e-n-g-l-i-s-h.” It refers to the language spoken in England, or to the people of England.
How do you spell Quit?
quit “Quit” is spelled with a “q-u-i-t.” It means to stop doing something, or to leave a place or job.
How do you spell Turquoise?
turquoise “Turquoise” is spelled with a “t-u-r-q-u-o-i-s-e.” It is a blue-green color, or a pale greenish-blue color of a precious stone.
How do you spell George?
george “George” is spelled with a “g-e-o-r-g-e.” It is a common given name, or the name of several kings of England.
How do you spell Procedure?
procedure “Procedure” is spelled with a “p-r-o-c-e-d-u-r-e.” It means a particular way of doing something, or a series of actions followed in a regular, definite order.
How do you spell Knowledge?
knowledge “Knowledge” is spelled with a “k-n-o-w-l-e-d-g-e.” It means information or understanding about a subject or fact, or the state of being aware of something.
How do you spell Dilemma?
dilemma “Dilemma” is spelled with a “d-i-l-e-m-m-a.” It is a situation in which a
How do you spell Courteous?
courteous “Courteous” is spelled with a “c-o-u-r-t-e-o-u-s.” It means polite, respectful, and considerate of others.
How do you spell Hoping?
hoping “Hoping” is spelled with a “h-o-p-i-n-g.” It means wanting or expecting something to happen, or expressing a desire for something to happen.
How do you spell Hygiene?
hygiene “Hygiene” is spelled with a “h-y-g-i-e-n-e.” It means the practice of keeping oneself and one’s environment clean in order to prevent illness or promote health.
How do you spell Interesting?
interesting “Interesting” is spelled with an “i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-i-n-g.” It means holding the attention or curiosity of someone because it is novel, strange, or engaging.
How do you spell Challenge?
challenge “Challenge” is spelled with a “c-h-a-l-l-e-n-g-e.” It means a call to engage in a contest, fight, or competition, or a demand for proof or an assertion to be disputed.
How do you spell Fragile?
fragile “Fragile” is spelled with a “f-r-a-g-i-l-e.” It means easily broken or damaged, or delicate and vulnerable.
How do you spell Dumb?
dumb “Dumb” is spelled with a “d-u-m-b.” It means lacking the ability to speak, or lacking intelligence or understanding.
How do you spell Soccer?
soccer “Soccer” is spelled with a “s-o-c-c-e-r.” It is a sport played between two teams of eleven players, in which the ball is moved with the feet and the aim is to score goals by kicking it into the opponent’s net.
How do you spell Exist?
exist “Exist” is spelled with an “e-x-i-s-t.” It means to have being or reality, or to have a presence or reality in a particular place or thing.
How do you spell Hilarious?
hilarious “Hilarious” is spelled with a “h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s.” It means extremely funny or amusing.
How do you spell Exactly?
exactly “Exactly” is spelled with an “e-x-a-c-t-l-y.” It means without error or deviation, or in a precise or accurate manner.
How do you spell Tsunami?
tsunami “Tsunami” is spelled with a “t-s-u-n-a-m-i.” It is a long, high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance, that can cause great destruction when it reaches land.
How do you spell Donut?
donut “Donut” is spelled with a “d-o-n-u-t.” It is a small, sweet, fried cake in the shape of a
How do you spell Ceiling?
ceiling “Ceiling” is spelled with a “c-e-i-l-i-n-g.” It is the upper limit or highest point of something, or the overhead surface of a room.
How do you spell Square?
square “Square” is spelled with a “s-q-u-a-r-e.” It is a geometric shape with four equal sides and four right angles, or an object or space having this shape.
How do you spell Bureau?
bureau “Bureau” is spelled with a “b-u-r-e-a-u.” It is a chest of drawers, or a government department or agency responsible for a particular function.
How do you spell Competition?
competition “Competition” is spelled with a “c-o-m-p-e-t-i-t-i-o-n.” It is the act of competing or the state of being in competition, or a contest in which people or organizations compete.
How do you spell Camouflage?
camouflage “Camouflage” is spelled with a “c-a-m-o-u-f-l-a-g-e.” It is the use of any combination of materials, coloration, or illumination for concealment, either by making animals or objects hard to see or by disguising their shape.
How do you spell Kindergarten?
kindergarten “Kindergarten” is spelled with a “k-i-n-d-e-r-g-a-r-t-e-n.” It is a school for children usually between the ages of four and six.
How do you spell Ibuprofen?
ibuprofen “Ibuprofen” is spelled with an “i-b-u-p-r-o-f-e-n.” It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and lower fever.
How do you spell Damn?
damn “Damn” is spelled with a “d-a-m-n.” It is used to express anger or annoyance, or to emphasize the seriousness or importance of something.
How do you spell Luau?
luau “Luau” is spelled with a “l-u-a-u.” It is a Hawaiian feast featuring a traditional Hawaiian dish of roast pig, and usually accompanied by entertainment such as music and dancing.
How do you spell Problem?
problem “Problem” is spelled with a “p-r-o-b-l-e-m.” It is a matter or situation that is difficult to deal with or understand, or an obstacle that hinders or blocks progress.
How do you spell Counselor?
counselor “Counselor” is spelled with a “c-o-u-n-s-e-l-o-r.” It is a person who gives advice or guidance, especially professionally.
How do you spell Learn?
learn “Learn” is spelled with a “l-e-a-r-n.” It means to acquire knowledge or skill through study, experience, or being taught, or to come to realize or understand something.
How do you spell Phone?
Phone is spelled with a “p-h-o-n-e.” It is a device that allows you to make and receive calls, send and receive messages, and perform other functions such as accessing the internet.
How do you spell Opinion?
Opinion is spelled with an “o-p-i-n-i-o-n.” It refers to a person’s thoughts, beliefs, or views on a particular subject.
How do you spell Rhythm?
Rhythm is spelled with a “r-h-y-t-h-m.” It is a strong, regular, repeated pattern of sound or movement.
How do you spell Opportunity?
Opportunity is spelled with an “o-p-p-o-r-t-u-n-i-t-y.” It is a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
How do you spell Jealous?
Jealous is spelled with a “j-e-a-l-o-u-s.” It means feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages.
How do you spell Recipe?
Recipe is spelled with a “r-e-c-i-p-e.” It is a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required.
How do you spell Banana?
Banana is spelled with a “b-a-n-a-n-a.” It is a long, curved fruit with a yellow skin and soft, sweet flesh inside.
How do you spell Available?
Available is spelled with an “a-v-a-i-l-a-b-l-e.” It means ready and able to be used or obtained.
How do you spell Unprecedented?
Unprecedented is spelled with an “u-n-p-r-e-c-e-d-e-n-t-e-d.” It means never having happened or existed before.
How do you spell Hysterectomy?
Hysterectomy is spelled with a “h-y-s-t-e-r-e-c-t-o-m-y.” It is a surgical procedure in which the uterus is removed.
How do you spell Thousand?
Thousand is spelled with a “t-h-o-u-s-a-n-d.” It is a number equal to 1000.
How do you spell Surgery?
Surgery is spelled with a “s-u-r-g-e-r-y.” It is the branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of injuries, defects, and diseases by operation.
How do you spell Nephew?
Nephew is spelled with a “n-e-p-h-e-w.” It is a son of one’s brother or sister, or a son of one’s spouse’s brother or sister.
How do you spell Privilege?
Privilege is spelled with a “p-r-i-v-i-l-e-g-e.” It is a special advantage or immunity granted or available only to a particular individual or group.
How do you spell Orange?
Orange is spelled with an “o-r-a-n-g-e.” It is a round fruit with a bright orange skin and a soft, sweet, or slightly bitter flesh.
How do you spell Deceased?
Deceased is spelled with a “d-e-c-e-a-s-e-d.” It means having died.
How do you spell Ally?
Ally is spelled with an “a-l-l-y.” It is a person, group, or country that is associated with another as a helper or supporter.
How do you spell Separate?
Separate is spelled with a “s-e-p-a-r-a-t-e.” It means to set or keep apart from others, or to divide into parts or groups.
How do you spell Laugh?
Laugh is spelled with a “l-a-u-g-h.” It is a sound made in response to something funny, or the act of expressing mirth or pleasure.
How do you spell Queue?
Queue is spelled with a “q-u-e-u-e.” It is a line of people or vehicles waiting for something.
How do you spell Teacher?
Teacher is spelled with a “t-e-a-c-h-e-r.” It is a person who teaches, especially in a school.
How do you spell Beginning?
Beginning is spelled with a “b-e-g-i-n-n-i-n-g.” It is the start or first part of something.
How do you spell Diarrhoea?
Diarrhoea is spelled with a “d-i-a-r-r-h-o-e-a.” It is a medical condition in which a person has frequent and liquid stools.
How do you spell Absolutely?
Absolutely is spelled with an “a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y.” It means completely or totally.
How do you spell Colonel?
Colonel is spelled with a “c-o-l-o-n-e-l.” It is a military rank, or a title of some other officials.
How do you spell Grandma?
Grandma is spelled with a “g-r-a-n-d-m-a.” It is a term used to refer to one’s grandmother.
How do you spell Aisle?
Aisle is spelled with an “a-i-s-l-e.” It is a passage between rows of seats in a church, theater, or other public building, or a corridor between rows of shelves in a store.
How do you spell Except?
Except is spelled with an “e-x-c-e-p-t.” It means to leave out or exclude.
How do you spell Ridiculous?
Ridiculous is spelled with a “r-i-d-i-c-u-l-o-u-s.” It means absurd or ridiculous.
How do you spell Really?
Really is spelled with a “r-e-a-l-l-y.” It means actually or in fact.
How do you spell Miscellaneous?
Miscellaneous is spelled with a “m-i-s-c-e-l-l-a-n-e-o-u-s.” It means consisting of a variety of things that are not usually connected or related.
How do you spell Potato?
Potato is spelled with a “p-o-t-a-t-o.” It is a starchy, tuberous crop from the perennial nightshade Solanum tuberosum.
How do you spell Color?
Color is spelled with a “c-o-l-o-r.” It is the visual quality of an object or substance, or the aspect of a thing that is caused by the way in which it reflects or absorbs light.
How do you spell Heart?
Heart is spelled with a “h-e-a-r-t.” It is a muscular organ in the chest that pumps the blood around the body.
How do you spell Nauseous?
Nauseous is spelled with a “n-a-u-s-e-o-u-s.” It means feeling sick or inclined to vomit.
How do you spell Who?
Who is spelled with a “w-h-o.” It is a word used to ask about the identity of a person.
How do you spell Favourite?
Favourite is spelled with a “f-a-v-o-u-r-i-t-e.” It means preferred or liked more than others.
How do you spell Lingerie?
Lingerie is spelled with a “l-i-n-g-e-r-i-e.” It is women’s underclothes, especially those made of sheer or decorative material.
How do you spell Tired?
Tired is spelled with a “t-i-r-e-d.” It means feeling weary or exhausted.
How do you spell Ornery?
Ornery is spelled with an “o-r-n-e-r-y.” It means bad-tempered or cantankerous.
How do you spell Busy?
Busy is spelled with a “b-u-s-y.” It means occupied or engaged with a lot of activity or work.
How do you spell Were?
Were is spelled with a “w-e-r-e.” It is the past tense of the verb “to be.”
How do you spell Massage?
Massage is spelled with a “m-a-s-s-a-g-e.” It is the act of rubbing and kneading the body, especially to relax or relieve tension.
How do you spell Sense?
Sense is spelled with a “s-e-n-s-e.” It is a natural ability to perceive or understand something.
How do you spell Career?
Career is spelled with a “c-a-r-e-e-r.” It is the course or progress of a person’s working life, or the jobs and responsibilities that make up a person’s work.
How do you spell Picture?
Picture is spelled with a “p-i-c-t-u-r-e.” It is a representation of the image of someone or something, or a painting, drawing, or photograph.
How do you spell Watch?
Watch is spelled with a “w-a-t-c-h.” It is a small timepiece worn on a wrist or carried in a pocket.
How do you spell Princess?
Princess is spelled with a “p-r-i-n-c-e-s-s.” It is a female member of a royal family, or a woman who is treated with special honor.
How do you spell Weather?
Weather is spelled with a “w-e-a-t-h-e-r.” It is the state of the atmosphere at a particular place and time, or the general conditions of temperature, humidity, wind, and atmospheric pressure.
How do you spell Yacht?
Yacht is spelled with a “y-a-c-h-t.” It is a sailing or motor boat used for pleasure trips or races.
How do you spell Bored?
Bored is spelled with a “b-o-r-e-d.” It means feeling uninterested or tedious.
How do you spell Remember?
Remember is spelled with a “r-e-m-e-m-b-e-r.” It means to retain in one’s memory, or to recollect.
How do you spell Actually?
Actually is spelled with an “a-c-t-u-a-l-l-y.” It means in reality or fact.
How do you spell Croissant?
Croissant is spelled with a “c-r-o-i-s-s-a-n-t.” It is a type of pastry made from a buttery, flaky dough shaped into a crescent shape.
How do you spell Right?
Right is spelled with a “r-i-g-h-t.” It means correct or just, or the opposite of left.
How do you spell Lying?
Lying is spelled with a “l-y-i-n-g.” It means not telling the truth, or in a horizontal position.
How do you spell Imagine?
Imagine is spelled with an “i-m-a-g-i-n-e.” It means to form a mental image or concept of something, or to suppose or believe something to be true.
How do you spell Embarrassed?
Embarrassed is spelled with an “e-m-b-a-r-r-a-s-s-e-d.” It means feeling self-conscious or awkward, especially because of shame or discomfort.
How do you spell Courtesy?
Courtesy is spelled with a “c-o-u-r-t-e-s-y.” It is politeness and consideration towards others, or a form of respect or deference.
How do you spell Diesel?
Diesel is spelled with a “d-i-e-s-e-l.” It is a type of internal combustion engine that uses diesel fuel to generate power.
How do you spell Secret?
Secret is spelled with a “s-e-c-r-e-t.” It is something that is not known or understood by others, or something that is not to be shared or disclosed.
How do you spell Elephant?
Elephant is spelled with an “e-l-e-p-h-a-n-t.” It is a large, gray mammal with a long trunk, tusks, and large ears, native to Africa and parts of Asia.
How do you spell Convenience?
Convenience is spelled with a “c-o-n-v-e-n-i-e-n-c-e.” It is the state of being able to be used or obtained easily.
How do you spell Dinosaur?
Dinosaur is spelled with a “d-i-n-o-s-a-u-r.” It is a large reptile that lived millions of years ago, characterized by having a small head, long tail, and bony armor.
How do you spell No?
No is spelled with a “n-o.” It means not any, or a negative response or reply.
How do you spell Calendar?
Calendar is spelled with a “c-a-l-e-n-d-a-r.” It is a system of organizing days for social, religious, commercial, or administrative purposes.
How do you spell Future?
Future is spelled with a “f-u-t-u-r-e.” It is the time that is to come, or the events or developments that will happen in the time ahead.
How do you spell Yeah?
Yeah is spelled with a “y-e-a-h.” It is a word used to show agreement or affirmative.
How do you spell Listen?
Listen is spelled with a “l-i-s-t-e-n.” It means to pay attention to a sound or to someone who is speaking.
How do you spell Diabetes?
Diabetes is spelled with a “d-i-a-b-e-t-e-s.” It is a medical condition in which the body has a high level of sugar in the blood, caused by a deficiency of insulin or a resistance to its effects.
How do you spell Environment?
Environment is spelled with an “e-n-v-i-r-o-n-m-e-n-t.” It is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
How do you spell Anonymous?
Anonymous is spelled with an “a-n-o-n-y-m-o-u-s.” It means not having a known name, or not identified by name.
How do you spell Pretty?
Pretty is spelled with a “p-r-e-t-t-y.” It means attractive or pleasing, especially in a delicate or fragile way.
How do you spell Stomach?
Stomach is spelled with a “s-t-o-m-a-c-h.” It is the organ in the body that digests food, or the cavity in which the food is digested.
How do you spell Access?
Access is spelled with an “a-c-c-e-s-s.” It means the ability or right to enter, approach, or use something, or the means of getting near or approaching something.
How do you spell Animal?
Animal is spelled with an “a-n-i-m-a-l.” It is a living organism that is not a plant, and is characterized by sensation, voluntary movement, and the power of growth and reproduction.
How do you spell Unique?
Unique is spelled with a “u-n-i-q-u-e.” It means being the only one of its kind, or having no equal or equivalent.
How do you spell Present?
Present is spelled with a “p-r-e-s-e-n-t.” It is the time that is happening now, or something that is given as a gift or offered for consideration.
How do you spell First?
First is spelled with a “f-i-r-s-t.” It means coming before all others in time, order, or importance.
How do you spell Colonoscopy?
Colonoscopy is spelled with a “c-o-l-o-n-o-s-c-o-p-y.” It is a medical procedure in which a thin, flexible tube with a camera is inserted into the rectum and used to examine the colon.
How do you spell Four?
Four is spelled with a “f-o-u-r.” It is the number 4.
How do you spell Tough?
Tough is spelled with a “t-o-u-g-h.” It means strong and resistant, or difficult to do or to deal with.
How do you spell Language?
Language is spelled with a “l-a-n-g-u-a-g-e.” It is a means of communication through the use of words, either spoken or written, or the words, vocabulary, and grammar of a particular language.
How do you spell Chloe?
Chloe is spelled with a “c-h-l-o-e.” It is a given name for a female.
How do you spell Chauffeur?
Chauffeur is spelled with a “c-h-a-u-f-f-e-u-r.” It is a person whose job is to drive a private or hired car, or to drive a car for someone else.
How do you spell Water?
Water is spelled with a “w-a-t-e-r.” It is a transparent, tasteless, and odorless liquid that is essential for the survival of most living organisms, and makes up the majority of the body of humans and other animals.
How do you spell Accident?
Accident is spelled with an “a-c-c-i-d-e-n-t.” It is an unexpected and unintentional event, or an unfortunate occurrence that happens without being planned.
How do you spell Throat?
Throat is spelled with a “t-h-r-o-a-t.” It is the part of the body that connects the back of the mouth and the pharynx with the esophagus and the windpipe.
How do you spell Condolences?
Condolences is spelled with a “c-o-n-d-o-l-e-n-c-e-s.” It is an expression of sympathy and sorrow for someone who has suffered a loss or experienced something unpleasant.
How do you spell Bologna?
Bologna is spelled with a “b-o-l-o-g-n-a.” It is a type of sausage made from ground pork and spices, and typically served in slices.
How do you spell Choose?
Choose is spelled with a “c-h-o-o-s-e.” It means to select or decide on something from a range of options.
How do you spell Are?
Are is spelled with an “a-r-e.” It is the present tense of the verb “to be.”
How do you spell Hundred?
Hundred is spelled with a “h-u-n-d-r-e-d.” It is the number 100.
How do you spell Attention?
Attention is spelled with an “a-t-t-e-n-t-i-o-n.” It means the state of being aware of or focused on something, or the act of giving care or consideration to something.
How do you spell Granddaughter?
Granddaughter is spelled with a “g-r-a-n-d-d-a-u-g-h-t-e-r.” It is a daughter of one’s child.
How do you spell Straight?
Straight is spelled with a “s-t-r-a-i-g-h-t.” It means not bent, curved, or twisted, or honest and straightforward.
How do you spell Cereal?
Cereal is spelled with a “c-e-r-e-a-l.” It is a type of grass that is grown for its grain, or a food made from grain, especially oats, wheat, or corn, that is usually eaten with milk.
How do you spell Address?
Address is spelled with an “a-d-d-r-e-s-s.” It is the details of the location of a place or a person, or the manner in which a person speaks to someone.
How do you spell Chose?
Chose is spelled with a “c-h-o-s-e.” It is the past tense of the verb “to choose.”
How do you spell Symptoms?
Symptoms is spelled with a “s-y-m-p-t-o-m-s.” It is a sign or indication of the presence of a disease or condition, or a manifestation of a feeling or emotion.
How do you spell Red?
Red is spelled with a “r-e-d.” It is a color that is next to orange in the spectrum of visible light, or the quality or state of being red.
How do you spell Professional?
Professional is spelled with a “p-r-o-f-e-s-s-i-o-n-a-l.” It refers to a person who is trained and qualified in a specific field or occupation, or to something that is done in a skilled or competent manner.
How do you spell Colleague?
Colleague is spelled with a “c-o-l-l-e-a-g-u-e.” It is a person who works in the same organization or profession as another, or a member of a group of colleagues.
How do you spell Recommend?
Recommend is spelled with a “r-e-c-o-m-m-e-n-d.” It means to suggest or advise the use or adoption of something, or to present as worthy of consideration or acceptance.
How do you spell Minute?
Minute is spelled with a “m-i-n-u-t-e.” It is a unit of time equal to 60 seconds, or a very small amount of time.
How do you spell Autumn?
Autumn is spelled with an “a-u-t-u-m-n.” It is the season of the year between summer and winter, characterized by the falling of leaves and the harvesting of crops.
How do you spell Uncle?
Uncle is spelled with an “u-n-c-l-e.” It is the brother of one’s parent, or a male who is related to someone by marriage.
How do you spell Breakfast?
Breakfast is spelled with a “b-r-e-a-k-f-a-s-t.” It is the first meal of the day, typically eaten in the morning.
How do you spell From?
From is spelled with a “f-r-o-m.” It is used to indicate the place, point in time, or source from which something comes or is acquired.
How do you spell Cemetery?
Cemetery is spelled with a “c-e-m-e-t-e-r-y.” It is a place where the dead are buried or cremated, or a burial ground.
How do you spell Finally?
Finally is spelled with a “f-i-n-a-l-l-y.” It means at the end, or after a long time or effort.
How do you spell Accessories?
Accessories is spelled with an “a-c-c-e-s-s-o-r-i-e-s.” It refers to items that are not essential but are used to enhance or complement something, such as clothing or a vehicle.
How do you spell Does?
Does is spelled with a “d-o-e-s.” It is the third person singular of the verb “to do.”
How do you spell Awkward?
Awkward is spelled with an “a-w-k-w-a-r-d.” It means causing or feeling discomfort or embarrassment, or not graceful or smooth.
How do you spell Which?
Which is spelled with a “w-h-i-c-h.” It is used to ask for information about something, or to introduce a relative clause.
How do you spell Brother?
Brother is spelled with a “b-r-o-t-h-e-r.” It is a male sibling, or a male member of a religious community.
How do you spell Together?
Together is spelled with a “t-o-g-e-t-h-e-r.” It means in or into one place, or in union or cooperation.
How do you spell Quesadilla?
Quesadilla is spelled with a “q-u-e-s-a-d-i-l-l-a.” It is a type of Mexican food that consists of a tortilla filled with cheese and other ingredients, and grilled or fried until the cheese is melted.
How do you spell About?
About is spelled with an “a-b-o-u-t.” It means concerning or relating to something, or in the vicinity of a particular place.
How do you spell Mama?
Mama is spelled with a “m-a-m-a.” It is a term of endearment for one’s mother.
How do you spell Sign?
Sign is spelled with a “s-i-g-n.” It is a gesture or action used to communicate something, or a symbol
How do you spell Karaoke?
Karaoke is spelled with a “k-a-r-a-o-k-e.” It is a form of entertainment in which people sing along to recorded music, with the lyrics displayed on a screen.
How do you spell Truly?
Truly is spelled with a “t-r-u-l-y.” It means really or genuinely, or in accordance with the truth or fact.
How do you spell Zucchini?
Zucchini is spelled with a “z-u-c-c-h-i-n-i.” It is a type of summer squash that is shaped like a cylinder, and is typically green in color.
How do you spell Celebrate?
Celebrate is spelled with a “c-e-l-e-b-r-a-t-e.” It means to observe an occasion or event with ceremony and festivity, or to honor or recognize someone or something.
How do you spell Medicine?
Medicine is spelled with a “m-e-d-i-c-i-n-e.” It is a substance or preparation used to treat or prevent illness, or the science and practice of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease.
How do you spell Cinnamon?
Cinnamon is spelled with a “c-i-n-n-a-m-o-n.” It is a spice made from the dried bark of the cinnamon tree, and has a sweet and warm flavor.
How do you spell Vinyl?
Vinyl is spelled with a “v-i-n-y-l.” It is a type of plastic that is used to make records, sheets, or film, or to coat surfaces.
How do you spell Aesthetic?
Aesthetic is spelled with an “a-e-s-t-h-e-t-i-c.” It refers to the appreciation of beauty or the study of beauty, or to the appearance or presentation of something.
How do you spell World?
World is spelled with a “w-o-r-l-d.” It is the earth and all the people and things on it, or the particular domain or sphere in which someone or something exists or operates.
How do you spell Google?
Google is spelled with a “g-o-o-g-l-e.” It is a search engine that allows users to find information on the internet, or to access or use the services or products provided by Google.
How do you spell Appreciated?
Appreciated is spelled with an “a-p-p-r-e-c-i-a-t-e-d.” It means valued or recognized as worthy, or grateful or thankful for something.
How do you spell Accidentally?
Accidentally is spelled with an “a-c-c-i-d-e-n-t-a-l-l-y.” It means happening by chance or mistake, or not intentionally or on purpose.
How do you spell Rapport?
Rapport is spelled with a “r-a-p-p-o-r-t.” It is a relationship of mutual trust or understanding, or a feeling of harmony or compatibility.
How do you spell Kitchen?
Kitchen is spelled with a “k-i-t-c-h-e-n.” It is a room or area where food is prepared and cooked, or the place where the cook of a household works.
How do you spell Toilet?
Toilet is spelled with a “t-o-i-l-e-t.” It is a room or a device for defecating and urinating, or a bowl or receptacle for use as a toilet.
How do you spell Cat?
Cat is spelled with a “c-a-t.” It is a small domesticated carnivorous mammal with retractable claws and a soft, dense fur, or a spiteful woman.
How do you spell Taught?
Taught is spelled with a “t-a-u-g-h-t.” It is the past tense of the verb “to teach.”
How do you spell Garage?
Garage is spelled with a “g-a-r-a-g-e.” It is a building or part of a building used for storing a vehicle or vehicles, or a repair shop for vehicles.
How do you spell Hospital?
Hospital is spelled with a “h-o-s-p-i-t-a-l.” It is a place where the sick or injured are treated and cared for, or a similar institution for animals.
How do you spell Attitude?
Attitude is spelled with an “a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e.” It is a way of thinking or feeling about something, or a position or posture of the body.
How do you spell Colour?
Colour is spelled with a “c-o-l-o-u-r.” It is the visual attribute of objects that results from the light they reflect, absorb, or emit, or a dye or pigment used to color something.
How do you spell Important?
Important is spelled with an “i-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-t.” It means having great significance or worth, or deserving attention or consideration.
How do you spell Video?
Video is spelled with a “v-i-d-e-o.” It is a recording of moving images and sound, or the medium of television or movies.
How do you spell President?
President is spelled with a “p-r-e-s-i-d-e-n-t.” It is the head of a state or government, or the chief executive of an organization.
How do you spell Temperature?
Temperature is spelled with a “t-e-m-p-e-r-a-t-u-r-e.” It is a measure of the degree of hotness or coldness of an object or a substance, or the degree of warmth or coolness of the atmosphere.
How do you spell Serious?
Serious is spelled with a “s-e-r-i-o-u-s.” It means grave or solemn in manner or appearance, or requiring careful consideration.
How do you spell Jesus?
Jesus is spelled with a “J-e-s-u-s.” It is the name of the central figure of Christianity, who is believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the Messiah.
How do you spell Soldier?
Soldier is spelled with a “s-o-l-d-i-e-r.” It is a member of a military force, or a person who serves in an army.
How do you spell Curious?
Curious is spelled with a “c-u-r-i-o-u-s.” It means eager to learn or know something, or having a desire to investigate or ask questions.
How do you spell Purple?
Purple is spelled with a “p-u-r-p-l-e.” It is a color that is a blend of blue and red, or a range of colors between blue and red.
How do you spell Pterodactyl?
Pterodactyl is spelled with a “p-t-e-r-o-d-a-c-t-y-l.” It is a extinct flying reptile that lived during the late Jurassic period, characterized by its long wings and short legs.
How do you spell Comfortable?
Comfortable is spelled with a “c-o-m-f-o-r-t-a-b-l-e.” It means providing physical ease and relaxation, or free from pain, worry, or discomfort.
How do you spell Bow?
Bow is spelled with a “b-o-w.” It is a curved piece of wood with taut horsehair strands, used to play musical instruments, or a knot made with ribbon or other decorative material.
How do you spell Sausage?
Sausage is spelled with a “s-a-u-s-a-g-e.” It is a type of food made from ground meat and spices, typically pork, beef, or a combination of both, and often encased in a thin casing.
How do you spell Original?
Original is spelled with an “o-r-i-g-i-n-a-l.” It means not a copy or imitation, or being the first or earliest of its kind.
How do you spell Lettuce?
Lettuce is spelled with a “l-e-t-t-u-c-e.” It is a vegetable with crisp leaves that are eaten raw in salads, or used as a garnish or wrap for other foods.
How do you spell Diamond?
Diamond is spelled with a “d-i-a-m-o-n-d.” It is a hard, transparent mineral that is used as a gemstone and in industrial abrasives, or a shape with four equal sides and angles.
How do you spell Practice?
Practice is spelled with a “p-r-a-c-t-i-c-e.” It means the action of carrying out or performing an activity or exercise, or the exercise of a profession.
How do you spell Penguin?
Penguin is spelled with a “p-e-n-g-u-i-n.” It is a flightless bird that lives in cold regions, especially Antarctica, and has a thick coat of feathers and a streamlined body.
How do you spell Sergeant?
Sergeant is spelled with a “s-e-r-g-e-a-n-t.” It is a non-commissioned officer in the armed forces, or a police officer of a rank above a constable.
How do you spell Conscious?
Conscious is spelled with a “c-o-n-s-c-i-o-u-s.” It means aware of one’s own thoughts and feelings, or aware of what is happening around one.
How do you spell Second?
Second is spelled with a “s-e-c-o-n-d.” It is a unit of time equal to 1/60 of a minute, or a moment or instant.
How do you spell Country?
Country is spelled with a “c-o-u-n-t-r-y.” It is a nation or state, or an area of land with its own government, language, or culture.
How do you spell Writing?
Writing is spelled with a “w-r-i-t-i-n-g.” It is the activity or skill of marking written symbols on a surface, or the work or style of a particular writer.
How do you spell Amazing?
Amazing is spelled with an “a-m-a-z-i-n-g.” It means causing great surprise or wonder, or very good or impressive.
How do you spell Avocado?
Avocado is spelled with an “a-v-o-c-a-d-o.” It is a tropical fruit with a green, leathery skin and a single large seed, and a soft, pulpy flesh that is yellowish or greenish in color.
How do you spell Quiche?
Quiche is spelled with a “q-u-i-c-h-e.” It is a savory tart made with eggs, milk, cheese, and various other ingredients, and baked in a pastry crust.
How do you spell Computer?
Computer is spelled with a “c-o-m-p-u-t-e-r.” It is an electronic device that processes data and performs calculations, or a person who makes calculations.
How do you spell Strength?
Strength is spelled with a “s-t-r-e-n-g-t-h.” It is the ability to resist force or pressure, or the quality or state of being strong.
How do you spell Said?
Said is spelled with a “s-a-i-d.” It is the past tense of the verb “to say.”
How do you spell Whoa?
Whoa is spelled with a “w-h-o-a.” It is an exclamation used to call attention, or to express surprise or strong emotion.
How do you spell Coincidence?
Coincidence is spelled with a “c-o-i-n-c-i-d-e-n-c-e.” It is a chance occurrence of events that seem related, but are not obviously caused by each other.
How do you spell Always?
Always is spelled with an “a-l-w-a-y-s.” It means at all times, or on every occasion.
How do you spell Mechanic?
Mechanic is spelled with a “m-e-c-h-a-n-i-c.” It is a person who repairs and maintains machinery, or a person who works with machinery or other technical equipment.
How do you spell Doubt?
Doubt is spelled with a “d-o-u-b-t.” It is a lack of certainty or confidence, or a feeling of uncertainty or mistrust.
How do you spell Memories?
Memories is spelled with a “m-e-m-o-r-i-e-s.” It is the mental capacity for retaining and recalling past experiences, or the recollection of past events or experiences.
How do you spell Presence?
Presence is spelled with a “p-r-e-s-e-n-c-e.” It is the state of being present, or the fact of being in a place.
How do you spell Emergency?
Emergency is spelled with an “e-m-e-r-g-e-n-c-y.” It is a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action, or a state of crisis.
How do you spell Appointment?
Appointment is spelled with an “a-p-p-o-i-n-t-m-e-n-t.” It is a meeting or arrangement to meet at a certain time and place, or a position or office to which someone is appointed.
How do you spell Morning?
Morning is spelled with a “m-o-r-n-i-n-g.” It is the period of time from dawn to noon, or the first part of the day.
How do you spell Cute?
Cute is spelled with a “c-u-t-e.” It means attractive or pretty in a charming or endearing way, or small and attractive.
How do you spell January?
January is spelled with a “j-a-n-u-a-r-y.” It is the first month of the year in the Gregorian calendar.
How do you spell Debris?
Debris is spelled with a “d-e-b-r-i-s.” It is the remains of something broken or destroyed, or scattered fragments or pieces.
How do you spell Owl?
Owl is spelled with an “o-w-l.” It is a bird of prey with a large, round head and large, forward-facing eyes, known for its ability to see well at night.
How do you spell Went?
Went is spelled with a “w-e-n-t.” It is the past tense of the verb “to go.”
How do you spell Library?
Library is spelled with a “l-i-b-r-a-r-y.” It is a collection of books and other materials, or a room or building where such a collection is kept.
How do you spell Chicken?
Chicken is spelled with a “c-h-i-c-k-e-n.” It is a domesticated fowl, typically kept for its eggs or its meat, or a dish made from chicken.
How do you spell Couch?
Couch is spelled with a “c-o-u-c-h.” It is a long, upholstered piece of furniture for several people to sit on, or a bedlike piece of furniture used for lying down and sleeping.
How do you spell Severe?
Severe is spelled with a “s-e-v-e-r-e.” It means very serious or severe in degree or intensity, or strict or rigorous in manner.
How do you spell Check?
Check is spelled with a “c-h-e-c-k.” It means to examine or verify something, typically in order to detect errors or faults.
How do you spell Loose?
Loose is spelled with a “l-o-o-s-e.” It means not firmly or tightly fixed in place; able to move or be moved.
How do you spell Either?
Either is spelled with an “e-i-t-h-e-r.” It means one or the other of two.
How do you spell Tuesday?
Tuesday is spelled with a “t-u-e-s-d-a-y.” It is the third day of the week.
How do you spell Laundry?
Laundry is spelled with a “l-a-u-n-d-r-y.” It refers to clothes and other household linens that need to be washed or have been recently washed.
How do you spell Mountain?
Mountain is spelled with a “m-o-u-n-t-a-i-n.” It is a large natural elevation of the earth’s surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level.
How do you spell You?
You is spelled with a “y-o-u.” It is the objective case of the pronoun “I.”
How do you spell Oxygen?
Oxygen is spelled with an “o-x-y-g-e-n.” It is a chemical element with the symbol O and atomic number 8, a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, a highly reactive nonmetal, and an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most elements as well as with other compounds.
How do you spell Biscuit?
Biscuit is spelled with a “b-i-s-c-u-i-t.” It is a small, typically round cake that is usually baked and is typically made from flour, sugar, and butter.
How do you spell Facetious?
Facetious is spelled with a “f-a-c-e-t-i-o-u-s.” It means treating serious issues with inappropriate humor or expressing things in a humorous way.
How do you spell Crystal?
Crystal is spelled with a “c-r-y-s-t-a-l.” It is a transparent solid with a regular, geometric structure, in which the atoms, molecules, or ions are arranged in an orderly repeating pattern extending in all three spatial dimensions.
How do you spell Consequences?
Consequences is spelled with a “c-o-n-s-e-q-u-e-n-c-e-s.” It refers to the outcome or result of an action or event, especially one that is negative or undesirable.
How do you spell Deserve?
Deserve is spelled with a “d-e-s-e-r-v-e.” It means to be worthy of or entitled to something, typically as a result of effort or merit.
How do you spell Survive?
Survive is spelled with a “s-u-r-v-i-v-e.” It means to continue to live or exist, especially in spite of danger or hardship.
How do you spell Tomato?
Tomato is spelled with a “t-o-m-a-t-o.” It is a red or yellow-orange fruit that is typically round or oblong, with a soft skin and a juicy, pulpy interior.
How do you spell Foreign?
Foreign is spelled with a “f-o-r-e-i-g-n.” It refers to something that is from or relates to a country other than one’s own.
How do you spell Happiness?
Happiness is spelled with a “h-a-p-p-i-n-e-s-s.” It is a feeling of contentment or joy.
How do you spell Handsome?
Handsome is spelled with a “h-a-n-d-s-o-m-e.” It means attractive and well-proportioned.
How do you spell Margaret?
Margaret is spelled with a “m-a-r-g-a-r-e-t.” It is a feminine given name.
How do you spell Coyote?
Coyote is spelled with a “c-o-y-o-t-e.” It is a small carnivorous mammal found in North and Central America.
How do you spell Mortgage?
Mortgage is spelled with a “m-o-r-t-g-a-g-e.” It is a legal agreement in which a lender agrees to loan money to a borrower to purchase a property, and the borrower agrees to repay the loan over a period of time.
How do you spell Mannequin?
Mannequin is spelled with a “m-a-n-n-e-q-u-i-n.” It is a model of the human form used for displaying clothes.
How do you spell Referral?
Referral is spelled with a “r-e-f-e-r-r-a-l.” It is the act of directing or introducing someone or something to someone or something else.
How do you spell Bereavement?
Bereavement is spelled with a “b-e-r-e-a-v-e-m-e-n-t.” It is the state of being bereaved, especially the loss of a close relative through death.
How do you spell Tylenol?
Tylenol is spelled with a “t-y-l-e-n-o-l.” It is a brand of pain reliever and fever reducer.
How do you spell Literally?
Literally is spelled with a “l-i-t-e-r-a-l-l-y.” It means in a literal sense or in the exact or actual sense of the word.
How do you spell Ingredients?
Ingredients is spelled with an “i-n-g-r-e-d-i-e-n-t-s.” It refers to the substances that are combined to make a particular dish or product.
How do you spell Trouble?
Trouble is spelled with a “t-r-o-u-b-l-e.” It refers to a state of difficulty, problems, or worry.
How do you spell Accommodate?
Accommodate is spelled with an “a-c-c-o-m-m-o-d-a-t-e.” It means to make room for or provide for something.
How do you spell Another?
Another is spelled with an “a-n-o-t-h-e-r.” It means an additional person or thing of the same kind.
How do you spell Dear?
Dear is spelled with a “d-e-a-r.” It is a term of endearment or affection.
How do you spell Anime?
Anime is spelled with an “a-n-i-m-e.” It refers to Japanese animated productions featuring hand-drawn or computer-generated characters.
How do you spell Stephanie?
Stephanie is spelled with a “s-t-e-p-h-a-n-i-e.” It is a feminine given name.
How do you spell Danielle?
Danielle is spelled with a “d-a-n-i-e-l-l-e.” It is a feminine given name.
How do you spell Emoji?
Emoji is spelled with an “e-m-o-j-i.” It is a small digital image or icon used to express an idea or emotion in electronic communication.
How do you spell Against?
Against is spelled with an “a-g-a-i-n-s-t.” It means in opposition to or in a contrary direction.
How do you spell Lead?
Lead is spelled with a “l-e-a-d.” It is a soft, heavy, toxic metal element with a bright, bluish-white color.
How do you spell Entrepreneur?
Entrepreneur is spelled with an “e-n-t-r-e-p-r-e-n-e-u-r.” It is a person who starts and runs a business, especially a small one.
How do you spell Mistake?
Mistake is spelled with a “m-i-s-t-a-k-e.” It is an action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.
How do you spell Souvenir?
Souvenir is spelled with a “s-o-u-v-e-n-i-r.” It is a item that is kept as a reminder of a place visited or an event experienced.
How do you spell Month?
Month is spelled with a “m-o-n-t-h.” It is a period of approximately four weeks.
How do you spell Sheriff?
Sheriff is spelled with a “s-h-e-r-i-f-f.” It is a law enforcement officer with authority over a county or district.
How do you spell Loss?
Loss is spelled with a “l-o-s-s.” It is the fact or condition of no longer having something or someone present; the state of being without something or someone.
How do you spell Cologne?
Cologne is spelled with a “c-o-l-o-g-n-e.” It is a type of perfume that originated in the city of Cologne, Germany.
How do you spell Elijah?
Elijah is spelled with an “e-l-i-j-a-h.” It is a masculine given name.
How do you spell Height?
Height is spelled with a “h-e-i-g-h-t.” It is the distance from the base of something to the top.
How do you spell Realize?
Realize is spelled with a “r-e-a-l-i-z-e.” It means to become aware of or understand something, especially for the first time.
How do you spell Assess?
Assess is spelled with an “a-s-s-e-s-s.” It means to evaluate or estimate the value, quality, or importance of something.
How do you spell Community?
Community is spelled with a “c-o-m-m-u-n-i-t-y.” It refers to a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
How do you spell Apple?
Apple is spelled with an “a-p-p-l-e.” It is a round fruit that is typically red, yellow, or green in color and has a thin skin and a firm, white flesh.
How do you spell Plaque?
Plaque is spelled with a “p-l-a-q-u-e.” It is a thin, flat, or convex piece of metal, stone, or other material, especially one with an inscription or design, used as a memorial or for decoration.
How do you spell Shoes?
Shoes is spelled with a “s-h-o-e-s.” It is a piece of footwear that is worn on the foot and typically consists of a sole and a upper part made of leather or other materials.
How do you spell Hypocrite?
Hypocrite is spelled with a “h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e.” It is a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that they do not actually possess, especially a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.
How do you spell Bear?
Bear is spelled with a “b-e-a-r.” It is a large, heavy mammal that walks on the soles of its feet, having thick fur and a very short tail.
How do you spell Though?
Though is spelled with a “t-h-o-u-g-h.” It is used as a conjunction meaning “however” or “nevertheless.”
How do you spell Succeed?
Succeed is spelled with a “s-u-c-c-e-e-d.” It means to achieve success, especially in a particular area or endeavor.
How do you spell How?
How is spelled with a “h-o-w.” It is used as an interrogative adverb to ask about the manner, condition, or quality of something.
How do you spell Scenario?
Scenario is spelled with a “s-c-e-n-a-r-i-o.” It is a postulated sequence of events or a possible situation.
How do you spell Neighborhood?
Neighborhood is spelled with a “n-e-i-g-h-b-o-r-h-o-o-d.” It is an area or community near or surrounding a particular place.
How do you spell Fein?
Fein is spelled with a “f-e-i-n.” It is a surname of German origin.
How do you spell Hair?
Hair is spelled with a “h-a-i-r.” It is a threadlike structure consisting of a number of fibers, typically of keratin, growing from the skin of a mammal, and forming the coat of most mammals.
How do you spell Aaron?
Aaron is spelled with an “a-a-r-o-n.” It is a masculine given name.
How do you spell Customer?
Customer is spelled with a “c-u-s-t-o-m-e-r.” It is a person who buys goods or services from a store or business.
How do you spell Help?
Help is spelled with a “h-e-l-p.” It is the action of helping someone or something.
How do you spell Vulnerable?
Vulnerable is spelled with a “v-u-l-n-e-r-a-b-l-e.” It means exposed to the possibility of being attacked or injured, either physically or emotionally.
How do you spell Liaison?
Liaison is spelled with a “l-i-a-i-s-o-n.” It is a person who acts as a link between people or organizations, especially to facilitate communication or cooperation.
How do you spell Recognize?
Recognize is spelled with a “r-e-c-o-g-n-i-z-e.” It means to identify someone or something as being someone or something that one knows.
How do you spell Cataract?
Cataract is spelled with a “c-a-t-a-r-a-c-t.” It is an eye disease that involves the clouding or opacification of the lens in the eye, causing impaired vision.
How do you spell Approximately?
Approximately is spelled with an “a-p-p-r-o-x-i-m-a-t-e-l-y.” It means almost but not exactly the same or correct.
How do you spell Hi?
Hi is spelled with an “h-i.” It is a greeting used when meeting or greeting someone.
How do you spell Mystery?
Mystery is spelled with a “m-y-s-t-e-r-y.” It is something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain.
How do you spell Proud?
Proud is spelled with a “p-r-o-u-d.” It means feeling or showing pleasure or satisfaction in one’s own or another’s achievements, possessions, or characteristics.
How do you spell Veterinarian?
Veterinarian is spelled with a “v-e-t-e-r-i-n-a-r-i-a-n.” It is a person who treats sick or injured animals, especially pets and farm animals.
How do you spell Pizza?
Pizza is spelled with a “p-i-z-z-a.” It is a dish consisting of a base of dough topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and other ingredients such as meat, vegetables, or fruit.
How do you spell Supposed?
Supposed is spelled with a “s-u-p-p-o-s-e-d.” It means generally believed to be true, although not necessarily so.
How do you spell Phenomenal?
Phenomenal is spelled with a “p-h-e-n-o-m-e-n-a-l.” It means extremely good or impressive.
How do you spell Collage?
Collage is spelled with a “c-o-l-l-a-g-e.” It is a picture or design made by sticking various materials, such as photographs, pieces of paper or fabric, onto a flat surface.
How do you spell Continue?
Continue is spelled with a “c-o-n-t-i-n-u-e.” It means to go on or keep going.
How do you spell Coffee?
Coffee is spelled with a “c-o-f-f-e-e.” It is a beverage made by brewing roasted and ground coffee beans.
How do you spell Pumpkin?
Pumpkin is spelled with a “p-u-m-p-k-i-n.” It is a large, round, orange-yellow fruit with a thick rind and a hollow center, often used in cooking and carving.
How do you spell Only?
Only is spelled with an “o-n-l-y.” It is the one and no other; the sole.
How do you spell Furniture?
Furniture is spelled with a “f-u-r-n-i-t-u-r-e.” It is the movable objects in a room or a dwelling, such as tables, chairs, beds, and cupboards, used to make a house, office, or other space suitable for living or working.
How do you spell Thermometer?
Thermometer is spelled with a “t-h-e-r-m-o-m-e-t-e-r.” It is an instrument for measuring temperature.
How do you spell Stretch?
Stretch is spelled with a “s-t-r-e-t-c-h.” It means to extend or expand something to its full length or width.
How do you spell Use?
Use is spelled with a “u-s-e.” It is the act of using something or the fact of being used.
How do you spell Miss?
Miss is spelled with a “m-i-s-s.” It means to fail to hit, reach, or achieve something. It can also refer to the feeling of sadness or longing that comes from not having someone who is absent or has died.
How do you spell Eerie?
Eerie is spelled with an “e-e-r-i-e.” It means strange, mysterious, or unsettling.
How do you spell Bury?
Bury is spelled with a “b-u-r-y.” It means to put someone or something in the ground and cover them with earth, especially as a funeral rite.
How do you spell Allergic?
Allergic is spelled with an “a-l-l-e-r-g-i-c.” It means having an adverse or hypersensitive reaction to something.
How do you spell Positive?
Positive is spelled with a “p-o-s-i-t-i-v-e.” It means expressing or implying agreement, acceptance, or confirmation.
How do you spell Possible?
Possible is spelled with a “p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e.” It means able to be done, achieved, or realized.
How do you spell Phlegm?
Phlegm is spelled with a “p-h-l-e-g-m.” It is a thick, sticky, and often yellow or green substance that is produced in the throat and air passages, especially when one has a cold or respiratory infection.
How do you spell Similar?
Similar is spelled with a “s-i-m-i-l-a-r.” It means having a likeness or resemblance.
How do you spell Envelope?
Envelope is spelled with an “e-n-v-e-l-o-p-e.” It is a flat paper container with a sealable flap, used to enclose a letter or document.
How do you spell Scratch?
Scratch is spelled with a “s-c-r-a-t-c-h.” It means to make a long, shallow cut or mark on the surface of something with a sharp object.
How do you spell Worried?
Worried is spelled with a “w-o-r-r-i-e-d.” It means feeling anxious or troubled about something.
How do you spell Difficult?
Difficult is spelled with a “d-i-f-f-i-c-u-l-t.” It means hard to do or achieve.
How do you spell Groceries?
Groceries is spelled with a “g-r-o-c-e-r-i-e-s.” It is a collection of things needed or used, especially food, that are sold by a store.
How do you spell Hurt?
Hurt is spelled with a “h-u-r-t.” It means to cause physical injury or emotional pain.
How do you spell Assignment?
Assignment is spelled with an “a-s-s-i-g-n-m-e-n-t.” It is a task or piece of work that is assigned to someone.
How do you spell A lot?
A lot is spelled with an “a-l-o-t.” It means a large number or quantity.
How do you spell Two?
Two is spelled with a “t-w-o.” It is the number 2.
How do you spell Sweet?
Sweet is spelled with a “s-w-e-e-t.” It means having a pleasant, sugar-like taste, or having a pleasant or appealing appearance or character.
How do you spell Field?
Field is spelled with a “f-i-e-l-d.” It is an area of land, especially one used for a particular purpose such as agriculture, sports, or warfare.
How do you spell Koala?
Koala is spelled with a “k-o-a-l-a.” It is a small marsupial native to Australia that lives in eucalyptus trees and feeds on their leaves.
How do you spell Pharaoh?
Pharaoh is spelled with a “p-h-a-r-a-o-h.” It is the title of the ancient Egyptian rulers.
How do you spell Chameleon?
Chameleon is spelled with a “c-h-a-m-e-l-e-o-n.” It is a reptile that can change its skin color in order to blend in with its surroundings.
How do you spell Parmesan?
Parmesan is spelled with a “p-a-r-m-e-s-a-n.” It is a hard, salty cheese made from cow’s milk, originally from Italy.
How do you spell Kayak?
Kayak is spelled with a “k-a-y-a-k.” It is a small, narrow boat with a pointed bow and stern, propelled by a double-bladed paddle and usually used for recreational purposes.
How do you spell Hungry?
Hungry is spelled with a “h-u-n-g-r-y.” It means having a strong desire or need for food.
How do you spell Column?
Column is spelled with a “c-o-l-u-m-n.” It is a vertical structure, often cylindrical, supporting an arch or a beam.
How do you spell Position?
Position is spelled with a “p-o-s-i-t-i-o-n.” It is the place or location of something or someone.
How do you spell Equipment?
Equipment is spelled with an “e-q-u-i-p-m-e-n-t.” It is the tools, machinery, and other things that are needed for a particular activity or purpose.
How do you spell Balloon?
Balloon is spelled with a “b-a-l-l-o-o-n.” It is a small, thin, and flexible bag that is filled with gas, such as helium or hot air, and used as a decoration or for recreational purposes.
How do you spell Exhausted?
Exhausted is spelled with an “e-x-h-a-u-s-t-e-d.” It means very tired and lacking energy.
How do you spell Change?
Change is spelled with a “c-h-a-n-g-e.” It means to make or become different.
How do you spell No one?
No one is spelled with a “n-o-o-n-e.” It means not a single person.
How do you spell Holiday?
Holiday is spelled with a “h-o-l-i-d-a-y.” It is a day of rest or celebration, typically one that is designated by law or custom.
How do you spell Villain?
Villain is spelled with a “v-i-l-l-a-i-n.” It is a character in a story, film, or play who is the bad guy and usually causes trouble.
How do you spell Dog?
Dog is spelled with a “d-o-g.” It is a domesticated carnivorous mammal that is closely related to the wolves and foxes. Dogs are often kept as pets and are known for their loyalty and ability to be trained.
How do you spell Financial?
Financial is spelled with a “f-i-n-a-n-c-i-a-l.” It refers to money, finances, or financial matters.
How do you spell Acknowledge?
Acknowledge is spelled with an “a-c-k-n-o-w-l-e-d-g-e.” It means to recognize or admit the existence or truth of something.
How do you spell Turtle?
Turtle is spelled with a “t-u-r-t-l-e.” It is a reptile with a hard, protective shell that covers its body.
How do you spell Fabulous?
Fabulous is spelled with a “f-a-b-u-l-o-u-s.” It means excellent or wonderful.
How do you spell Stupid?
Stupid is spelled with a “s-t-u-p-i-d.” It means having or showing a lack of intelligence or common sense.
How do you spell Hour?
Hour is spelled with an “h-o-u-r.” It is a unit of time equal to 60 minutes.
How do you spell Message?
Message is spelled with a “m-e-s-s-a-g-e.” It is a piece of information that is conveyed or intended to be conveyed.
How do you spell Possession?
Possession is spelled with a “p-o-s-s-e-s-s-i-o-n.” It is the state of having or owning something.
How do you spell Caesar?
Caesar is spelled with a “c-a-e-s-a-r.” It is a title of Roman emperors, or a person with great power or influence. It can also refer to a salad made with lettuce, croutons, and a dressing made from lemon juice, egg, and anchovies.
How do you spell Esophagus?
Esophagus is spelled with an “e-s-o-p-h-a-g-u-s.” It is the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach.
How do you spell Bidet?
Bidet is spelled with a “b-i-d-e-t.” It is a plumbing fixture, usually found in a bathroom, that is used for cleaning the genital and anal areas after using the toilet.
How do you spell Eligible?
Eligible is spelled with an “e-l-i-g-i-b-l-e.” It means qualified or suitable for a particular purpose or position.
How do you spell Chef?
Chef is spelled with a “c-h-e-f.” It is a professional cook who is responsible for the kitchen of a restaurant or other food establishment.
How do you spell Grey?
Grey is spelled with a “g-r-e-y.” It is a color that is a mixture of black and white, and is often used to describe things that are old or dull.
How do you spell Met?
Met is spelled with a “m-e-t.” It is the past tense of the verb “meet,” which means to come into the presence of or to have a meeting with someone.
How do you spell Occasionally?
Occasionally is spelled with an “o-c-c-a-s-i-o-n-a-l-l-y.” It means sometimes, but not often.
How do you spell Reason?
Reason is spelled with a “r-e-a-s-o-n.” It is a cause, explanation, or justification for something.
How do you spell Volunteer?
Volunteer is spelled with a “v-o-l-u-n-t-e-e-r.” It is a person who willingly offers to do something, especially without being paid.
How do you spell Drawer?
Drawer is spelled with a “d-r-a-w-e-r.” It is a compartment, container, or tray that is designed to slide in and out of something, such as a desk or dresser.
How do you spell Idiot?
Idiot is spelled with an “i-d-i-o-t.” It is a person who is extremely foolish or lacking in good judgment.
How do you spell Intelligent?
Intelligent is spelled with an “i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t.” It means having or showing a high level of intelligence or good judgment.
How do you spell Half?
Half is spelled with a “h-a-l-f.” It is one of two equal parts of something.
How do you spell Architect?
Architect is spelled with an “a-r-c-h-i-t-e-c-t.” It is a person who designs buildings and other structures.
How do you spell Meringue?
Meringue is spelled with a “m-e-r-i-n-g-u-e.” It is a sweet food made from beaten egg whites and sugar, and often used as a topping for pies or as a base for desserts.
How do you spell Amateur?
Amateur is spelled with an “a-m-a-t-e-u-r.” It is a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid basis.
How do you spell Choice?
Choice is spelled with a “c-h-o-i-c-e.” It is the act of selecting or making a decision between two or more options.
How do you spell Hernia?
Hernia is spelled with a “h-e-r-n-i-a.” It is a protrusion of an organ or tissue through the wall that normally contains it.
How do you spell Generous?
Generous is spelled with a “g-e-n-e-r-o-u-s.” It means giving or willing to give freely, especially in large amounts.
How do you spell Chiropractor?
Chiropractor is spelled with a “c-h-i-r-o-p-r-a-c-t-o-r.” It means a healthcare professional who treats disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine, and the effects these disorders have on the nervous system and general health.
How do you spell Efficient?
Efficient is spelled with an “e-f-f-i-c-i-e-n-t.” It means able to produce desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy.
How do you spell Sandwich?
Sandwich is spelled with a “s-a-n-d-w-i-c-h.” It means a type of food consisting of two or more slices of bread with a filling such as meat, cheese, or lettuce, served cold, hot, or toasted.
How do you spell Ignore?
Ignore is spelled with an “i-g-n-o-r-e.” It means to pay no attention to or to disregard.
How do you spell Vicious?
Vicious is spelled with a “v-i-c-i-o-u-s.” It means having or showing a desire to harm or destroy someone or something.
How do you spell Adventure?
Adventure is spelled with an “a-d-v-e-n-t-u-r-e.” It means an exciting or unusual experience, especially one involving some level of risk or danger.
How do you spell Meant?
Meant is spelled with a “m-e-a-n-t.” It means intended to convey or express a particular meaning.
How do you spell Material?
Material is spelled with a “m-a-t-e-r-i-a-l.” It means physical substance that constitutes a thing.
How do you spell Appetite?
Appetite is spelled with an “a-p-p-e-t-i-t-e.” It means a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially for food.
How do you spell Property?
Property is spelled with a “p-r-o-p-e-r-t-y.” It means something that is owned, especially a building, land, or possessions.
How do you spell Hello?
Hello is spelled with an “h-e-l-l-o.” It is a greeting used when meeting someone or answering the phone.
How do you spell Crochet?
Crochet is spelled with a “c-r-o-c-h-e-t.” It means to make a fabric from yarn or thread using a needle with a small hook.
How do you spell Tried?
Tried is spelled with a “t-r-i-e-d.” It means having made an effort to do something.
How do you spell Dachshund?
Dachshund is spelled with a “d-a-c-h-s-h-u-n-d.” It is a breed of small dog with a long body and short legs.
How do you spell Pikachu?
Pikachu is spelled with a “p-i-k-a-c-h-u.” It is a fictional creature from the Pokémon franchise.
How do you spell Assistant?
Assistant is spelled with an “a-s-s-i-s-t-a-n-t.” It means a person who helps with a particular task or job, especially in a professional capacity.
How do you spell Sweat?
Sweat is spelled with a “s-w-e-a-t.” It means moisture exuded through the pores of the skin, especially as a result of physical exertion or high temperature.
How do you spell Warranty?
Warranty is spelled with a “w-a-r-r-a-n-t-y.” It means a written guarantee, issued to the purchaser of a product, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time.
How do you spell Pregnant?
Pregnant is spelled with a “p-r-e-g-n-a-n-t.” It means carrying a developing embryo or fetus within the female body.
How do you spell Cupboard?
Cupboard is spelled with a “c-u-p-b-o-a-r-d.” It means a piece of furniture with shelves or drawers for storing or displaying dishes, linens, or other household items.
How do you spell Wonderful?
Wonderful is spelled with a “w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l.” It means extremely good; delightful.
How do you spell Easel?
Easel is spelled with an “e-a-s-e-l.” It is a frame for supporting an artist’s canvas, typically standing on three legs.
How do you spell Recess?
Recess is spelled with a “r-e-c-e-s-s.” It means a break or pause in a process or activity, especially in a school or parliament.
How do you spell Grandpa?
Grandpa is spelled with a “g-r-a-n-d-p-a.” It means the father of one’s parent.
How do you spell Sugar?
Sugar is spelled with a “s-u-g-a-r.” It is a sweet, crystalline substance obtained from various plants, especially sugar cane and sugar beet, consisting essentially of sucrose, and used as a sweetener in food and drink.
How do you spell Perfect?
Perfect is spelled with a “p-e-r-f-e-c-t.” It means having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
How do you spell Melissa?
Melissa is spelled with a “m-e-l-i-s-s-a.” It is a feminine given name derived from the Greek word for “honeybee.”
How do you spell Bicycle?
Bicycle is spelled with a “b-i-c-y-c-l-e.” It is a vehicle with two wheels, powered by the rider turning pedals.
How do you spell Faucet?
Faucet is spelled with a “f-a-u-c-e-t.” It is a device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe or container, especially one with a spout and a handle or lever.
How do you spell Diagnosed?
Diagnosed is spelled with a “d-i-a-g-n-o-s-e-d.” It means to identify the nature of (a disease or other medical condition) by examining the symptoms.
How do you spell Lincoln?
Lincoln is spelled with a “l-i-n-c-o-l-n.” It is a surname of English origin meaning “lake colony” and is also the name of the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.
How do you spell Yogurt?
Yogurt is spelled with a “y-o-g-u-r-t.” It is a semisolid food made from fermented milk, typically cow’s milk, and is a good source of protein and calcium.
How do you spell Narcissist?
Narcissist is spelled with a “n-a-r-c-i-s-s-i-s-t.” It is a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves, especially their physical appearance.
How do you spell Genuine?
Genuine is spelled with a “g-e-n-u-i-n-e.” It means genuinely or truly what it is claimed to be; authentic.
How do you spell Finish?
Finish is spelled with a “f-i-n-i-s-h.” It means to bring or come to an end; complete.
How do you spell Quarter?
Quarter is spelled with a “q-u-a-r-t-e-r.” It means one of four equal parts into which something is or can be divided.
How do you spell Relationship?
Relationship is spelled with a “r-e-l-a-t-i-o-n-s-h-i-p.” It means the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.
How do you spell Honest?
Honest is spelled with an “h-o-n-e-s-t.” It means free of deceit or fraud; sincere.
How do you spell Sympathy?
Sympathy is spelled with a “s-y-m-p-a-t-h-y.” It means feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else’s misfortune.
How do you spell Routine?
Routine is spelled with a “r-o-u-t-i-n-e.” It means a regular course of procedure, especially a routinely followed set of habits or practices.
How do you spell Disappointed?
Disappointed is spelled with a “d-i-s-a-p-p-o-i-n-t-e-d.” It means feeling sad or let down because something has not happened or been as good as expected.
How do you spell Quote?
Quote is spelled with a “q-u-o-t-e.” It means to repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker.
How do you spell Official?
Official is spelled with an “o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l.” It means having the authority, approval, or backing of someone or something, especially a person in a position of power or a government.
How do you spell Cautious?
Cautious is spelled with a “c-a-u-t-i-o-u-s.” It means careful and sensible; able to anticipate problems.
How do you spell Legend?
Legend is spelled with a “l-e-g-e-n-d.” It means a traditional story, often involving supernatural events, that is popularly believed to be true.
How do you spell Conquer?
Conquer is spelled with a “c-o-n-q-u-e-r.” It means to overcome and gain control of (a place, territory, or people) by military force.
How do you spell Deodorant?
Deodorant is spelled with a “d-e-o-d-o-r-a-n-t.” It is a substance applied to the body to reduce body odor caused by the bacterial breakdown of perspiration.
How do you spell Initial?
Initial is spelled with an “i-n-i-t-i-a-l.” It means occurring at the beginning; first.
How do you spell Interested?
Interested is spelled with an “i-n-t-e-r-e-s-t-e-d.” It means having or showing an interest in something; curious or concerned.
How do you spell Vanilla?
Vanilla is spelled with a “v-a-n-i-l-l-a.” It is a flavoring extracted from the pods of the vanilla plant and used to flavor food and drinks.
How do you spell Cauliflower?
Cauliflower is spelled with a “c-a-u-l-i-f-l-o-w-e-r.” It is a vegetable with a large, white head of edible flowers, or a head of this kind that has been blanched or pickled.
How do you spell Father?
Father is spelled with a “f-a-t-h-e-r.” It is a male parent of a child.
How do you spell Itinerary?
Itinerary is spelled with an “i-t-i-n-e-r-a-r-y.” It is a detailed plan for a journey, especially one including a list of places to visit.
How do you spell Shenanigans?
Shenanigans is spelled with a “s-h-e-n-a-n-i-g-a-n-s.” It is mischievous or irresponsible behavior, especially by children.
How do you spell Accomplished?
Accomplished is spelled with an “a-c-c-o-m-p-l-i-s-h-e-d.” It means successfully completed or achieved.
How do you spell Piranha?
Piranha is spelled with a “p-i-r-a-n-h-a.” It is a small, carnivorous freshwater fish found in South American rivers, known for its sharp teeth and powerful jaws.
How do you spell Suede?
Suede is spelled with a “s-u-e-d-e.” It is a type of leather with a soft, napped surface, typically made from the underside of a sheepskin.
How do you spell Certificate?
Certificate is spelled with a “c-e-r-t-i-f-i-c-a-t-e.” It is a document that serves as evidence or proof of a fact or qualification.
How do you spell Coach?
Coach is spelled with a “c-o-a-c-h.” It is a person who trains or teaches someone, especially in sports or a performing art.
How do you spell Emphysema?
Emphysema is spelled with an “e-m-p-h-y-s-e-m-a.” It is a chronic lung condition characterized by the destruction of the alveoli (small air sacs in the lungs), which impairs the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide and can lead to shortness of breath and other respiratory problems.
How do you spell Attached?
Attached is spelled with an “a-t-t-a-c-h-e-d.” It means joined or fastened to something.
How do you spell Biopsy?
Biopsy is spelled with a “b-i-o-p-s-y.” It is a medical test in which a small sample of tissue is removed from the body for examination, usually to diagnose a disease.
How do you spell Pressure?
Pressure is spelled with a “p-r-e-s-s-u-r-e.” It is the force exerted on a surface by a weight or mass pressing down on it, or the amount of force per unit area applied to an object.
How do you spell Gauge?
Gauge is spelled with a “g-a-u-g-e.” It is a device for measuring the size, amount, or thickness of something, especially a standard measure.
How do you spell Ariel?
Ariel is spelled with an “a-r-i-e-l.” It is a name that can be used as a given name for a male or female, or as a surname. As a given name, it is derived from the Hebrew name “Ariel,” which means “lion of God.”
How do you spell Psychology?
Psychology is spelled with a “p-s-y-c-h-o-l-o-g-y.” It is the scientific study of the human mind and behavior.
How do you spell Choir?
Choir is spelled with a “c-h-o-i-r.” It is a group of people, especially singers, who perform music together, typically in a choir.
How do you spell Divorce?
Divorce is spelled with a “d-i-v-o-r-c-e.” It is the legal dissolution of a marriage.
How do you spell Easy?
Easy is spelled with an “e-a-s-y.” It means not requiring much effort or difficulty; simple or effortless.
How do you spell Pursue?
Pursue is spelled with a “p-u-r-s-u-e.” It means to follow in order to catch or capture.
How do you spell Achieve?
Achieve is spelled with an “a-c-h-i-e-v-e.” It means to succeed in doing or completing (something) through effort, skill, or courage.
How do you spell Feel?
Feel is spelled with a “f-e-e-l.” It means to experience or perceive (a sensation or emotion) through the sense of touch or by means of physical or emotional reaction.
How do you spell Alien?
Alien is spelled with an “a-l-i-e-n.” It means belonging to a foreign country or nation; not native. It can also refer to an extraterrestrial being.
How do you spell Teeth?
Teeth is spelled with a “t-e-e-t-h.” It is the hard, white, calcified substance that forms the structure of the jaws and mouth and is used for biting and chewing.
How do you spell Rely?
Rely is spelled with a “r-e-l-y.” It means to depend on or trust in someone or something for support or assistance.
How do you spell Guard?
Guard is spelled with a “g-u-a-r-d.” It is a person or group of people assigned to protect or watch over something or someone.
How do you spell Senior?
Senior is spelled with a “s-e-n-i-o-r.” It means older or higher in rank or status.
How do you spell Pisces?
Pisces is spelled with a “p-i-s-c-e-s.” It is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac, represented by the symbol of two fish swimming in opposite directions and represented in the calendar by the period from about February 19 to March 20.
How do you spell Flower?
Flower is spelled with a “f-l-o-w-e-r.” It is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants.
How do you spell Papa?
Papa is spelled with a “p-a-p-a.” It is a name for a father, especially in informal or familiar contexts.
How do you spell Graduation?
Graduation is spelled with a “g-r-a-d-u-a-t-i-o-n.” It is the act or ceremony of receiving or being awarded a degree or diploma, especially after completing a course of study at a school, college, or university.
How do you spell Subpoena?
Subpoena is spelled with a “s-u-b-p-o-e-n-a.” It is a writ requiring the attendance of a witness at a certain place and time to give evidence in a legal case.
How do you spell Sheila?
Sheila is spelled with a “s-h-e-i-l-a.” It is an informal term for a woman, especially in Australia and New Zealand.
How do you spell Inappropriate?
Inappropriate is spelled with an “i-n-a-p-p-r-o-p-r-i-a-t-e.” It means not suitable or proper for a particular occasion or situation.
How do you spell Judge?
Judge is spelled with a “j-u-d-g-e.” It is a person who makes an official decision in a court of law.
How do you spell Seven?
Seven is spelled with a “s-e-v-e-n.” It is the number 7.
How do you spell Posse?
Posse is spelled with a “p-o-s-s-e.” It is a group of people, especially a group of law enforcement officers, summoned to assist in maintaining the peace or in making an arrest.
How do you spell Communication?
Communication is spelled with a “c-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n.” It is the act of conveying information or ideas from one person or place to another.
How do you spell Possess?
Possess is spelled with a “p-o-s-s-e-s-s.” It means to have or own (something).
How do you spell Allowed?
Allowed is spelled with an “a-l-l-o-w-e-d.” It means permitted; not prohibited.
How do you spell Catheter?
Catheter is spelled with a “c-a-t-h-e-t-e-r.” It is a thin, flexible tube inserted into a body cavity, duct, or vessel, especially to allow the introduction or withdrawal of fluid.
How do you spell Ambulance?
Ambulance is spelled with an “a-m-b-u-l-a-n-c-e.” It is a vehicle equipped for conveying sick or injured people to and from hospitals or other medical facilities.
How do you spell Antenna?
Antenna is spelled with an “a-n-t-e-n-n-a.” It is a device for receiving or transmitting radio or television signals, typically consisting of a metal rod or set of rods.
How do you spell Electricity?
Electricity is spelled with an “e-l-e-c-t-r-i-c-i-t-y.” It is the presence and flow of electric charge.
How do you spell Negative?
Negative is spelled with a “n-e-g-a-t-i-v-e.” It means expressing or containing denial, refusal, or disagreement, or showing or characterized by the absence of something rather than its presence.
How do you spell Psych?
Psych is spelled with a “p-s-y-c-h.” It is a shortened form of the word “psychology.”
How do you spell Loser?
Loser is spelled with a “l-o-s-e-r.” It means a person who has lost or been defeated in a game, competition, or other endeavor.
How do you spell Perseverance?
Perseverance is spelled with a “p-e-r-s-e-v-e-r-a-n-c-e.” It is the quality of continuing to exist or occur despite challenges or difficulties.
How do you spell Staring?
Staring is spelled with a “s-t-a-r-i-n-g.” It means to look at (someone or something) fixedly and intensely, often with a feeling of surprise, shock, or disbelief.
How do you spell Pinocchio?
Pinocchio is spelled with a “p-i-n-o-c-c-h-i-o.” It is the main character in a children’s story by Carlo Collodi about a wooden puppet who becomes a real boy.
How do you spell Buoy?
Buoy is spelled with a “b-u-o-y.” It is a floating device used as a marker or warning, or to keep objects afloat.
How do you spell Independent?
Independent is spelled with an “i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t.” It means not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself.
How do you spell Multiple?
Multiple is spelled with a “m-u-l-t-i-p-l-e.” It means consisting of, having, or involving several or many.
How do you spell Throw?
Throw is spelled with a “t-h-r-o-w.” It means to send (something) through the air by a movement of the arm and hand, especially in a quick, casual, or sudden way.
How do you spell Commitment?
Commitment is spelled with a “c-o-m-m-i-t-m-e-n-t.” It is the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, or job.
How do you spell Mayonnaise?
Mayonnaise is spelled with a “m-a-y-o-n-n-a-i-s-e.” It is a sauce or dressing made from beaten eggs, oil, and vinegar or lemon juice.
How do you spell Rhyme?
Rhyme is spelled with a “r-h-y-m-e.” It is a word that corresponds in sound with another word or words, especially at the end of a line of verse.
How do you spell Honor?
Honor is spelled with an “h-o-n-o-r.” It means to show respect or admiration for (someone or something) in a way that is publicly recognized.
How do you spell Eagle?
Eagle is spelled with an “e-a-g-l-e.” It is a large, powerful bird of prey with a hooked beak and sharp talons, known for its keen sight and powerful flight.
How do you spell Support?
Support is spelled with a “s-u-p-p-o-r-t.” It means to bear the weight of (something), especially from below.
How do you spell Wound?
Wound is spelled with a “w-o-u-n-d.” It is an injury to the body, especially one in which the skin or other external surface is torn, pierced, or broken.
How do you spell Cactus?
Cactus is spelled with a “c-a-c-t-u-s.” It is a succulent plant with thick, fleshy stems and leaves, adapted to dry environments.
How do you spell Gnome?
Gnome is spelled with a “g-n-o-m-e.” It is a mythical creature, typically depicted as a small, stout man with a long beard and wearing a pointed hat, said to live in the earth and guard treasure.
How do you spell Name?
Name is spelled with a “n-a-m-e.” It is a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known and addressed.
How do you spell Permission?
Permission is spelled with a “p-e-r-m-i-s-s-i-o-n.” It is the act of allowing or permitting something to happen.
How do you spell Delivery?
Delivery is spelled with a “d-e-l-i-v-e-r-y.” It is the act of bringing or sending something to a place or person.
How do you spell Concern?
Concern is spelled with a “c-o-n-c-e-r-n.” It is a feeling of worry or anxiety about something, especially something that is not immediately threatening.
How do you spell Relieved?
Relieved is spelled with a “r-e-l-i-e-v-e-d.” It means to free from anxiety, worry, or hardship.
How do you spell Temporary?
Temporary is spelled with a “t-e-m-p-o-r-a-r-y.” It means lasting for a limited time only; not permanent.
How do you spell Marriage?
Marriage is spelled with a “m-a-r-r-i-a-g-e.” It is a legally recognized relationship, usually between a man and a woman, in which they become husband and wife.
How do you spell Process?
Process is spelled with a “p-r-o-c-e-s-s.” It is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.
How do you spell Algae?
Algae is spelled with an “a-l-g-a-e.” It is a simple, aquatic plant-like organism that lacks true stems, leaves, or roots.
How do you spell Heroes?
Heroes is spelled with a “h-e-r-o-e-s.” It means a person, especially a man, admired for his courage, noble qualities, or feats.
How do you spell Barrel?
Barrel is spelled with a “b-a-r-r-e-l.” It is a cylindrical container, typically made of wooden staves and hoops, used for storing or transporting liquids or other substances.
How do you spell Ammonia?
Ammonia is spelled with an “a-m-m-o-n-i-a.” It is a colorless gas with a strong, pungent smell, used in the production of fertilizers, explosives, and household cleaning products.
How do you spell Solenoid?
Solenoid is spelled with a “s-o-l-e-n-o-i-d.” It is an electrical device consisting of a coil of wire that moves a magnetic core when a current is passed through it.
How do you spell Canoe?
Canoe is spelled with a “c-a-n-o-e.” It is a narrow, pointed boat, typically propelled by paddles, used for recreational or sporting purposes.
How do you spell Occurred?
Occurred is spelled with an “o-c-c-u-r-r-e-d.” It means to happen or take place.”Spirit” is spelled with a “s-p-i-r-i-t.” It is the non-physical part of a person, often thought of as the true essence of a person, that is believed to be immortal.
How do you spell Debt?
Debt is spelled with a “d-e-b-t.” It is a sum of money that is owed or due.
How do you spell Obsessed?
Obsessed is spelled with an “o-b-s-e-s-s-e-d.” It means to be preoccupied with or overcome by a powerful feeling or emotion, especially one that is irrational.
How do you spell Women?
Women is spelled with a “w-o-m-e-n.” It is the plural form of “woman,” which refers to female humans, as distinct from men.
How do you spell Read?
Read is spelled with a “r-e-a-d.” It means to look at and understand the meaning of (written or printed matter).
How do you spell Specific?
Specific is spelled with a “s-p-e-c-i-f-i-c.” It means relating to or denoting a particular thing or category.
How do you spell Confident?
Confident is spelled with a “c-o-n-f-i-d-e-n-t.” It means having a strong belief in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment.
How do you spell Dad?
Dad is spelled with a “d-a-d.” It is a term used to refer to a father.
How do you spell Aurora?
Aurora is spelled with an “a-u-r-o-r-a.” It is a natural light display in the Earth’s sky, predominantly seen in the high-latitude regions, caused by the collision of charged particles directed by the Earth’s magnetic field.
How do you spell Estimate?
Estimate is spelled with an “e-s-t-i-m-a-t-e.” It is a rough calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
How do you spell Attorney?
Attorney is spelled with an “a-t-t-o-r-n-e-y.” It is a person who is qualified to represent someone in legal proceedings.
How do you spell Statue?
Statue is spelled with a “s-t-a-t-u-e.” It is a sculpture, representing a human or animal figure, made of stone, wood, or other material.
How do you spell Coming?
Coming is spelled with a “c-o-m-i-n-g.” It means approaching or arriving in the near future.
How do you spell Khaki?
Khaki is spelled with a “k-h-a-k-i.” It is a pale brown or yellowish color, typically of a fabric made from cotton or a similar fiber.
How do you spell Build?
Build is spelled with a “b-u-i-l-d.” It means to construct or create (something) by assembling or joining parts.
How do you spell Barbara?
Barbara is spelled with a “b-a-r-b-a-r-a.” It is a female given name.
How do you spell Individual?
Individual is spelled with an “i-n-d-i-v-i-d-u-a-l.” It means a single person or thing, as distinct from a group.
How do you spell Tequila?
Tequila is spelled with a “t-e-q-u-i-l-a.” It is a strong, colorless liquor made from the blue agave plant, primarily in the area surrounding the city of Tequila, 65 km (40 mi) northwest of Guadalajara, and in the highlands (Los Altos) of the central Mexican state of Jalisco.
How do you spell Mozzarella?
Mozzarella is spelled with an “m-o-z-z-a-r-e-l-l-a.” It is a soft, white cheese with a mild flavor and a flexible, elastic texture, originally made from the milk of the water buffalo in Italy.
How do you spell Icicle?
Icicle is spelled with an “i-c-i-c-l-e.” It is a hanging, cone-shaped piece of ice formed by the freezing of dripping water.
How do you spell Number?
Number is spelled with a “n-u-m-b-e-r.” It is a word or symbol used to represent a quantity or value.
How do you spell Strawberry?
Strawberry is spelled with a “s-t-r-a-w-b-e-r-r-y.” It is a juicy, red fruit with a soft texture, sweet taste, and small seeds on the surface.
How do you spell Carousel?
Carousel is spelled with a “c-a-r-o-u-s-e-l.” It is an amusement ride consisting of a rotating circular platform with seats for riders, typically horses or other animals, moving up and down on poles.
How do you spell Onomatopoeia?
Onomatopoeia is spelled with an “o-n-o-m-a-t-o-p-o-e-i-a.” It is the formation of a word, such as “hiss” or “murmur,” that imitates the sound associated with the object or action it refers to.
How do you spell Shirt?
Shirt is spelled with a “s-h-i-r-t.” It is a garment for the upper part of the body, typically made of cotton or a similar fabric, with a collar, sleeves, and a front opening.
How do you spell Disappear?
Disappear is spelled with a “d-i-s-a-p-p-e-a-r.” It means to cease to be visible or to exist.
How do you spell Fortnite?
Fortnite is spelled with a “f-o-r-t-n-i-t-e.” It is a popular video game, developed by Epic Games, that combines elements of survival, exploration, and scavenging games.
How do you spell Squeegee?
Squeegee is spelled with a “s-q-u-e-e-g-e-e.” It is a tool with a rubber edge, used for wiping or cleaning windows or other surfaces.
How do you spell Incident?
Incident is spelled with an “i-n-c-i-d-e-n-t.” It is an event or occurrence, especially one of a specified kind, that happens during a particular period of time.
How do you spell Enemy?
Enemy is spelled with an “e-n-e-m-y.” It is a person or group
How do you spell Reimbursement?
Reimbursement is spelled with a “r-e-i-m-b-u-r-s-e-m-e-n-t.” It is the act of repaying or compensating someone for an expense or loss.
How do you spell Purchase?
Purchase is spelled with a “p-u-r-c-h-a-s-e.” It is the acquisition of something, typically by paying money.
How do you spell Noise?
Noise is spelled with a “n-o-i-s-e.” It is an unwanted sound, especially one that is loud or persistent.
How do you spell Violet?
Violet is spelled with a “v-i-o-l-e-t.” It is a shade of purple or blue, named after the violet flower.
How do you spell Carrots?
Carrots is spelled with a “c-a-r-r-o-t-s.” It is an orange-colored root vegetable, usually eaten cooked, with a sweet and crunchy texture.
How do you spell Dentist?
Dentist is spelled with a “d-e-n-t-i-s-t.” It is a person qualified to treat the diseases and conditions that affect the teeth and gums, especially the repair and extraction of teeth and the insertion of artificial ones.
How do you spell Excuse?
Excuse is spelled with an “e-x-c-u-s-e.” It is a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offense.
How do you spell Daisy?
Daisy is spelled with a “d-a-i-s-y.” It is a small flowering plant with white or yellow petals and a yellow center, typically found in grassy fields and meadows.
How do you spell Sacrifice?
Sacrifice is spelled with a “s-a-c-r-i-f-i-c-e.” It is the act of giving up something valuable or important for the sake of something else.
How do you spell Assistance?
Assistance is spelled with an “a-s-s-i-s-t-a-n-c-e.” It is the act of providing help or support.
How do you spell Depression?
Depression is spelled with a “d-e-p-r-e-s-s-i-o-n.” It is a mental disorder characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a loss of interest in activities that a person normally enjoys.
How do you spell Cucumber?
Cucumber is spelled with a “c-u-c-u-m-b-e-r.” It is a long, green, cylindrical fruit with a thin, smooth skin, often eaten raw in salads or used as a garnish.
How do you spell Warrior?
Warrior is spelled with a “w-a-r-r-i-o-r.” It is a person who fights in a battle or conflict, either as a soldier or a member of a tribal society.
How do you spell Pepperoni?
Pepperoni is spelled with a “p-e-p-p-e-r-o-n-i.” It is a type of spicy Italian sausage made from pork and beef, typically sliced and used as a topping on pizzas.
How do you spell Basketball?
Basketball is spelled with a “b-a-s-k-e-t-b-a-l-l.” It is a team sport in which two teams of five players each try to score points by throwing a ball through a hoop fixed on a wall or backboard.
How do you spell Management?
Management is spelled with a “m-a-n-a-g-e-m-e-n-t.” It is the process of dealing with or controlling things or people.
How do you spell Magic?
Magic is spelled with a “m-a-g-i-c.” It is the use of supposed supernatural powers to achieve specific goals or to produce illusions.
How do you spell Acquaintances?
Acquaintances is spelled with an “a-c-q-u-a-i-n-t-a-n-c-e-s.” It is a person with whom one is acquainted, but who is not a close friend.
How do you spell Follow?
Follow is spelled with a “f-o-l-l-o-w.” It is the act of going after someone or something, or coming after them in time or order.
How do you spell Confused?
Confused is spelled with a “c-o-n-f-u-s-e-d.” It is the state of being perplexed or unclear about something.
How do you spell Supplies?
Supplies is spelled with a “s-u-p-p-l-i-e-s.” It is a supply or quantity of something that is required or available for use.
How do you spell Properly?
Properly is spelled with a “p-r-o-p-e-r-l-y.” It is in the right or appropriate manner.
How do you spell Tenant?
Tenant is spelled with a “t-e-n-a-n-t.” It is a person who rents a property from a landlord.
How do you spell Popsicle?
Popsicle is spelled with a “p-o-p-s-i-c-l-e.” It is a sweet frozen treat on a stick, usually made with fruit juice or flavored ice.
How do you spell Safety?
Safety is spelled with a “s-a-f-e-t-y.” It is the state of being safe from harm or danger.
How do you spell Frustrated?
Frustrated is spelled with a “f-r-u-s-t-r-a-t-e-d.” It is the feeling of being annoyed or disappointed because of an inability to change or achieve something.
How do you spell Judgement?
Judgement is spelled with a “j-u-d-g-e-m-e-n-t.” It is the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.
How do you spell Quinceanera?
Quinceanera is spelled with a “q-u-i-n-c-e-a-n-e-r-a.” It is a celebration of a girl’s 15th birthday in some Latin American cultures, marking the transition from childhood to young womanhood.
How do you spell Borrow?
Borrow is spelled with a “b-o-r-r-o-w.” It is the act of taking something for temporary use, with the intention of returning it.
How do you spell Scenery?
Scenery is spelled with a “s-c-e-n-e-r-y.” It is the natural features of a landscape or area, such as mountains, trees, and rivers.
How do you spell Service?
Service is spelled with a “s-e-r-v-i-c-e.” It is an act of helpful activity, or a system or organization that provides a public facility or utility.
How do you spell Desperate?
Desperate is spelled with a “d-e-s-p-e-r-a-t-e.” It means feeling or showing extreme urgency or intensity, especially because of fear or despair.
How do you spell Resurrection?
Resurrection is spelled with a “r-e-s-u-r-r-e-c-t-i-o-n.” It means the action or fact of returning to life or consciousness, especially after death.
How do you spell Retired?
Retired is spelled with a “r-e-t-i-r-e-d.” It means having left one’s job and ceased to work, especially because of age.
How do you spell Dollars?
Dollars is spelled with a “d-o-l-l-a-r-s.” It is the official currency of the United States and some other countries.
How do you spell Reference?
Reference is spelled with a “r-e-f-e-r-e-n-c-e.” It means the action of mentioning or alluding to something.
How do you spell Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids is spelled with a “h-e-m-o-r-r-h-o-i-d-s.” It is a condition in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum are swollen and inflamed.
How do you spell Threatened?
Threatened is spelled with a “t-h-r-e-a-t-e-n-e-d.” It means to say or show that one will take action against someone or something if a demand or request is not met.
How do you spell Happened?
Happened is spelled with a “h-a-p-p-e-n-e-d.” It means to take place or occur.
How do you spell Activities?
Activities is spelled with an “a-c-t-i-v-i-t-i-e-s.” It means things that a person or group does for pleasure or enjoyment.
How do you spell Knee?
Knee is spelled with a “k-n-e-e.” It is the joint between the thigh and the lower leg.
How do you spell Course?
Course is spelled with a “c-o-u-r-s-e.” It means a set of classes or a plan of study on a particular subject, usually leading to an exam or qualification.
How do you spell Says?
Says is spelled with a “s-a-y-s.” It means to speak or write a particular word or phrase.
How do you spell Empty?
Empty is spelled with an “e-m-p-t-y.” It means containing nothing.
How do you spell Correct?
Correct is spelled with a “c-o-r-r-e-c-t.” It means free from error or fault.
How do you spell Immensely?
Immensely is spelled with an “i-m-m-e-n-s-e-l-y.” It means to a very great extent or degree.
How do you spell Broke?
Broke is spelled with a “b-r-o-k-e.” It means having no money.
How do you spell Addition?
Addition is spelled with an “a-d-d-i-t-i-o-n.” It means the action or process of adding two or more things together to make a total.
How do you spell Vague?
Vague is spelled with a “v-a-g-u-e.” It means not clear or precise in meaning.
How do you spell Facility?
Facility is spelled with a “f-a-c-i-l-i-t-y.” It means a building or place that provides a particular service or is equipped for a particular purpose.
How do you spell Used?
Used is spelled with a “u-s-e-d.” It means previously owned or employed.
How do you spell Arrived?
Arrived is spelled with an “a-r-r-i-v-e-d.” It means to have reached a place after a journey.
How do you spell Batteries?
Batteries is spelled with a “b-a-t-t-e-r-i-e-s.” It means a device consisting of one or more cells that convert chemical energy into electrical energy.
How do you spell Engineer?
Engineer is spelled with an “e-n-g-i-n-e-e-r.” It means a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures.
How do you spell Discrepancy?
Discrepancy is spelled with a “d-i-s-c-r-e-p-a-n-c-y.” It means a lack of consistency or agreement between different parts of something.
How do you spell Accurate?
Accurate is spelled with an “a-c-c-u-r-a-t-e.” It means free from error or fault.
How do you spell Beneficiary?
Beneficiary is spelled with a “b-e-n-e-f-i-c-i-a-r-y.” It means a person who receives something, especially money, as a result of the death of someone or from a trust or will.
How do you spell Regular?
Regular is spelled with a “r-e-g-u-l-a-r.” It means happening or occurring at fixed intervals.
How do you spell Take?
Take is spelled with a “t-a-k-e.” It means to seize or capture.
How do you spell Game?
Game is spelled with a “g-a-m-e.” It means an activity or sport that is played according to rules.
How do you spell Train?
Train is spelled with a “t-r-a-i-n.” It means a set of carriages or wagons that are joined together and run on a railway.
How do you spell Organized?
Organized is spelled with an “o-r-g-a-n-i-z-e-d.” It means arranged in a systematic way.
How do you spell Intrigued?
Intrigued is spelled with an “i-n-t-r-i-g-u-e-d.” It means very interested in and wanting to know more about something.
How do you spell Participate?
Participate is spelled with a “p-a-r-t-i-c-i-p-a-t-e.” It means to take part in an activity or event.
How do you spell Draw?
Draw is spelled with a “d-r-a-w.” It means to make a picture using a pen, pencil, or brush, especially on paper.
How do you spell Onion?
Onion is spelled with an “o-n-i-o-n.” It is a vegetable with a round shape and a thin, papery skin that is often used in cooking.
How do you spell Sue?
Sue is spelled with a “s-u-e.” It means to take legal action against someone.
How do you spell Strategy?
Strategy is spelled with a “s-t-r-a-t-e-g-y.” It means a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim.
How do you spell Squeak?
Squeak is spelled with a “s-q-u-e-a-k.” It means a high-pitched, sharp sound, especially when made by a small animal or by something rubbing against something else.
How do you spell Nature?
Nature is spelled with a “n-a-t-u-r-e.” It means the natural world, including plants, animals, and the physical features of the earth.
How do you spell Going?
Going is spelled with a “g-o-i-n-g.” It means moving or being in motion.
How do you spell Plumber?
Plumber is spelled with a “p-l-u-m-b-e-r.” It is a person who installs, repairs, and maintains pipes, fixtures, and other plumbing equipment.
How do you spell Raisin?
Raisin is spelled with a “r-a-i-s-i-n.” It is a small, dried fruit made from grapes.
How do you spell Cigarettes?
Cigarettes is spelled with a “c-i-g-a-r-e-t-t-e-s.” It is a thin, cylindrical roll of tobacco that is smoked.
How do you spell Vitamin?
Vitamin is spelled with a “v-i-t-a-m-i-n.” It is a substance that is essential in small quantities to the diet and health of humans and animals.
How do you spell Enjoy?
Enjoy is spelled with an “e-n-j-o-y.” It means to experience pleasure or happiness.
How do you spell Alphabet?
Alphabet is spelled with an “a-l-p-h-a-b-e-t.” It is a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used to represent the basic set of speech sounds of a language.
How do you spell Bruise?
Bruise is spelled with a “b-r-u-i-s-e.” It is an injury to the soft tissue of the body, typically one that is not broken but produces a black-and-blue mark.
How do you spell Ornament?
Ornament is spelled with an “o-r-n-a-m-e-n-t.” It is an object that is used to decorate something.
How do you spell Cookie?
Cookie is spelled with a “c-o-o-k-i-e.” It is a small, sweet biscuit or cake.
How do you spell Committed?
Committed is spelled with a “c-o-m-m-i-t-t-e-d.” It means having made a promise or pledge to do something.
How do you spell Exaggerate?
Exaggerate is spelled with an “e-x-a-g-g-e-r-a-t-e.” It means to describe or represent something as larger, better, or worse than it really is.
How do you spell Tragedy?
Tragedy is spelled with a “t-r-a-g-e-d-y.” It is an event or situation that causes great suffering, destruction, or distress.
How do you spell Tie?
Tie is spelled with a “t-i-e.” It is a piece of material worn around the neck and tied in a knot at the front.
How do you spell Discuss?
Discuss is spelled with a “d-i-s-c-u-s-s.” It means to talk about something with someone, especially in order to reach an agreement or make a decision.
How do you spell Fulfill?
Fulfill is spelled with a “f-u-l-f-i-l-l.” It means to carry out or complete something that has been planned or promised.
How do you spell Monitor?
Monitor is spelled with a “m-o-n-i-t-o-r.” It means to watch or observe something or someone closely.
How do you spell Measure?
Measure is spelled with a “m-e-a-s-u-r-e.” It means to determine the size, amount, or degree of something.
How do you spell Destroy?
Destroy is spelled with a “d-e-s-t-r-o-y.” It means to ruin or damage something so that it is no longer usable or in good condition.
How do you spell Complete?
Complete is spelled with a “c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e.” It means having all the necessary parts, elements, or characteristics; not lacking anything.
How do you spell Start?
Start is spelled with a “s-t-a-r-t.” It means to begin to do or be something.
How do you spell Authority?
Authority is spelled with an “a-u-t-h-o-r-i-t-y.” It means the power or right to make decisions or to control or influence others.
How do you spell American?
American is spelled with an “a-m-e-r-i-c-a-n.” It means belonging to or relating to the United States of America or its people.
How do you spell Assassin?
Assassin is spelled with an “a-s-s-a-s-s-i-n.” It means a person who murders someone, especially a political figure, for religious or political reasons.
How do you spell Argue?
Argue is spelled with an “a-r-g-u-e.” It means to give reasons for or against something in order to persuade someone.
How do you spell Behavior?
Behavior is spelled with a “b-e-h-a-v-i-o-r.” It means the way in which someone behaves or the way in which something functions.
How do you spell Purpose?
Purpose is spelled with a “p-u-r-p-o-s-e.” It is the reason for which something is done or created, or the aim or intention of something.
How do you spell Conscientious?
Conscientious is spelled with a “c-o-n-s-c-i-e-n-t-i-o-u-s.” It means careful, thorough, and attentive to detail.
How do you spell Mini?
Mini is spelled with a “m-i-n-i.” It is a shortened form of “miniature,” and refers to something that is smaller than normal or usual.
How do you spell Owe?
Owe is spelled with an “o-w-e.” It means to be indebted to someone for something, such as a debt or a favor.
How do you spell Unnecessary?
Unnecessary is spelled with an “u-n-n-e-c-e-s-s-a-r-y.” It means not needed or required.
How do you spell Welcome?
Welcome is spelled with a “w-e-l-c-o-m-e.” It is an expression of goodwill or cordiality towards someone upon their arrival or presence.
How do you spell Muscle?
Muscle is spelled with a “m-u-s-c-l-e.” It is a tissue in the body that contracts to produce movement and generates heat.
How do you spell Committee?
Committee is spelled with a “c-o-m-m-i-t-t-e-e.” It is a group of people appointed or elected to perform a specific task or function.