Do you know what it means to be omni? The prefix omni is derived from the Latin word “omnis,” meaning “all.” It is used to describe something that is all-encompassing or all-inclusive. For example, an ‘omnihuman’ is a person who is capable of doing anything and everything.
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An ‘omnilucent’ object is one that is completely transparent. An ‘omnidenominational’ organization is one that is open to people of all faiths. An ‘omniformity’ is a state of complete uniformity. And an ‘omnisentient’ being is one that is aware of everything.
This article will provide a comprehensive list of words that begin with the prefix omni. The words are arranged by common usage and there are a total of 123 words in the list. Whether you are looking for a specific word or just want to explore the breadth of words that use the omni prefix, this list is a great place to start.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.