This article provides a comprehensive list of words with the prefix ‘deci’. It includes 105 words with the prefix ‘deci’ arranged by common usage. Examples of words with the prefix ‘deci’ include ‘decilitre’, ‘deciders’, ‘decimalised’, ‘decide’, and ‘decidability’.

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A decilitre (dL) is a unit of volume in the metric system equal to one tenth of a litre. Deciders are people who make decisions. Decimalised means to express in decimal form. To decide is to make a choice or judgment. Decidability is the quality of being able to be decided.
This article is a useful resource for anyone looking to increase their vocabulary or gain a better understanding of words with the prefix ‘deci’. It is also beneficial for those looking to improve their spelling and writing skills. By studying the list of words with the prefix ‘deci’, readers can gain a better understanding of how to use these words in different contexts.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.