Explore the world of words with the prefix ‘xero’! This article page is dedicated to a list of words with the prefix ‘xero’.
Examples of words with this prefix include ‘xeroprinting’ (the process of making copies of documents using a xerox machine), ‘xeroxing’ (the process of making copies of documents using a xerox machine), ‘xeronate’ (to give or donate money to a charity), and ‘xerographically’ (the process of making copies of documents using a xerox machine).
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The list of words with the prefix ‘xero’ is arranged by common usage and includes a total of 56 words. Whether you’re a student, teacher, or just someone who loves words, this page is a great resource for learning about words with the prefix ‘xero’.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.