The prefix “pel” is a common prefix found in many words in the English language. It is derived from the Greek word “pēlē” meaning “shield”. This prefix is often found in medical terminology, such as ‘pelveoperitonitis’ which refers to inflammation of the peritoneum in the pelvic region. It is also found in zoological terms, such as ‘peltatodigitate’ which describes a type of claw found in some birds and mammals.
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In addition to scientific and medical terminology, the prefix “pel” is found in many everyday words. For example, ‘pelodytidae’ is a family of frogs, ‘pellmells’ is a term for a jumble or mix of items, and ‘pelmanist’ is someone who practices a memory system. These words and many more can be found in the list of words with the prefix “pel” below. Words are arranged by common usage.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.