Are you looking for a comprehensive list of words with the prefix ‘ante’? This article provides a comprehensive list of words with the prefix ‘ante’ and is arranged by common usage. Examples of words with the prefix ‘ante’ include ‘anterointerior’ (situated in front and within), ‘antecedal’ (preceding in time or order), ‘antechambers’ (a room or hall leading to a larger one), ‘antecclassical’ (preceding the classical period), and ‘antehall’ (a hall or entrance way preceding a larger one). There are a total of 248 words in the list.
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This article is a great resource for anyone looking for a comprehensive list of words with the prefix ‘ante’. Whether you are a student, teacher, writer, or just someone curious about the English language, this article is a great place to start. It is also useful for those who are studying for a test or quiz. With this list, you can quickly and easily find the word you are looking for.
The words arranged in the lists below are in order of frequency of use, from left to right and down.